Any other world
可能是因为看 The good wife 时听到的这段歌,所以觉得开头的独白听起来像法庭上的证词,虽然这段独白并没有出现在剧中。好奇去查了一下背后的故事看到的,觉得 Mika 这段话很是动人。 In promotional materials for Life in Cartoon Motion, Mika said of this song: "There is a little spoken introduction that many people may miss. It's about a family friend of mine who lost her eye during the war in Lebanon and I realized in everyone's life there comes one point, or several points where something happens and you have to completely change the way you have lived your life because of one event. And it really makes you readjust and rethink and rejudge parts of your life all over again. That happens to some people in a dramatic way like Rafa who lost both her eye and her husband within 6 months. Or it can be in a much quieter way like when you are 22-years-old and you finally leave university after being in education all your life or when you lose your job. I wanted to put that in the song, because when you're 68 or 14, it's still the same feeling and it's still just as hard. I wanted to try to capture that quite difficult period that people have to go through at least once in their life." 所以这是一首关于失去、改变和悲恸的歌,却出现在 Alicia 和 Will 的 exceptional moment,想来也挺有意思的。所以那是一个他们在一起了的 other world 么?那句 "and let it all unfurl, into broken remnants" 也甚是贴切,毕竟她说过 "it's romantic because it never happens, or else it will just be... life."