Innocent Country 2
Quelle Chris去年的专辑《Guns》是我年度最佳Hip Hop专辑,今年Quelle Chris再次发一张专辑而且还发的这么早或多或少有些意外。刚开始听发现整体制作和《Guns》很像而不是更接近第一部《Innocent Country》。第一首歌是Interlude,第二首歌标题写的是《Outro》但听起来更像是整张专辑想表达的主题,表面上是Quelle Chris跟一个女孩分手后的心境,但我理解的是女孩是拟人化的美国,因为有些歌词提示的比较直白,例如:
You was Kim K'in, flauntin' your new black friends
And they two black kids, for like eight straight years
two black kids,for like eight straight years显然是指奥巴马作为总统执政两届的8年,当然也有可能是我过度解读。Quelle Chris在这首歌的歌词写得非常优美,都可以通过歌词感受到心碎和失望的情感,我尤其喜欢这段:
With the fresh cut, you talk like me
Your kids call me Poppy now
You still tell 'em don't trust me when I come around, ridiculous
Honeymoon phase, feelin' distant, like the moon's gaze
Plus the tension, can cut with dull blades
Not to mention, you document e'rything
But stay actin' like you don't pay attention?
《Living Happy》《Sacred Safe》《Horizon》三首歌前后呼应,《Living Happy》里黑人群体的政治和权力上得不到保障对于他们来说幸福的标准就是娱乐和物质,《Sacred Safe》两个Verse我都喜欢,尤其是Cavalier的整个Verse:
Bornofasufferer, might diea sufferer
Fight likea sufferer, might rise as a sufferer
Took me a couple of lifetimes to toughen up
Each life like one hell of ride, buckle up
Keep on truckin', we Einsteins of fuckin' up
These are the breaks, just shake it off or suck it up
Or sabotage through self-destruct
We camouflage with healthy blunts
I'm findin' comfort in my personal space of pain
I'm just a sculpture getting shaped by mistakes I've made
Got performative friends, weasels need to weed out my life
I'm prayin' to the voice of Morgan Freeman at night
《Bottle Black Power BUY THE BUSINESS》很有意思,Quelle Chris主张如果不尊重黑人就别做跟黑人相关的生意,感觉像是回应Jay-Z的NFL事件,批评资本家用金钱收买黑人的民权运动,讽刺Jay-Z等黑人资本家替他们资本家同伴收拾局面。
《GREASE FROM THE ELBOWS》跟歌曲标题写的一样,不管生活境遇如何,拼命工作,努力的活下去,听起来是很俗气的内容但是歌词写得还是很有趣,我喜欢副歌里引用Chappelle Show的段子:
Gotta milkboth hands on titty Cambodian on Diddy
不过这首歌唯一让我失望的是Billy Woods没有写一个Verse,只是在末尾来了一段Interlude表演。
《Sudden Death》里主张黑人群体不应该太过悲观,接受现实,重新思考怎么在负面的现实里寻找正面的意义。《Mirage》可能是整张专辑我最喜欢的歌之一,尤其是Denmark Vessey的歌词:
Innocent of sins, rosemary; when reality bit, it pierced my heart
But lifted hardships, my soul carried
A voice, close, near me, said, "Don't be so scary"
"Enjoy your thirties"
Listen, I'm still looking for father figures
这里面father figures有可能是只信仰上的支柱或者能够指引他的长辈,也可能figures指的是收入,father fugures是指可以养活他女儿,能尽到他作为父亲责任的钱。
Quelle Chris再一次制作了一张难以置信的专辑,我个人更喜欢《Guns》多一点,因为那张专辑制作更多样一些,内容更加压抑和绝望,但我觉得2020年这样糟糕的一年很多人需要《Innocent Country 2》这种音乐去支撑快要临近崩溃的神经。