关于韦恩喷泉的联合创始人亚当-施莱辛格Adam Schlesinger

Adam Schlesinger, co-founder of the New Jersey power-pop group Fountains of Wayne and Emmy- and Grammy-winning songwriter for film, television, and theater, died Wednesday from complications related to COVID-19. He was 52.
亚当-施莱辛格,新泽西州强力流行音乐团体Fountains of Wayne的创始人之一,也是艾美奖和格莱美奖得主兼电影、电视和戏剧作曲者,周三因COVID-19的相关并发症去世。享年52岁。
Schelsinger’s lawyer, Josh Grier, confirmed the musician’s death to Rolling Stone. Schlesinger was hospitalized in March and tested positive for the coronavirus. At the time, he was placed on a ventilator and heavily sedated.
Schlesinger had one of the most unique and busiest careers in pop. With Fountains of Wayne — a group that blended power-pop delight with indie and alt-rock sensibilities — he released five albums between 1996 and 2011. During the same period, he released six albums with his other group, Ivy, all the while building a portfolio of TV and film music. His first hit came in 1996, but it was a song engineered to sound like it was actually from the Sixties: “That Thing You Do.” The track served as the sole hit for the Wonders, the fake band at the center of Tom Hanks’ film That Thing You Do!; in real life, the track charted well and earned Schlesinger an Oscar nomination for Best Original Song.
施莱辛格的职业生涯可谓是流行乐界最独特、忙碌的职业之一。在1996年至2011年期间,他与韦恩喷泉乐队(Fountains of Wayne)--一个将强力流行的轻快与独立摇滚和另类摇滚基调融合的乐队--一同发行了五张专辑。在同一时期,他与另一个乐队Ivy一起发行了六张专辑,同时还发表了电视和电影配乐的作品集。他的第一首主打歌发布于1996年,但那是一首听起来像六十年代的歌曲。"That Thing You Do." 这首歌是汤姆-汉克斯的电影《That Thing You Do!》中扮演乐队 "Wonders "的唯一主打歌;在现实生活中,这首歌曲在排行榜上的表现也很出色,为施莱辛格赢得了奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲的提名。
“There would be no Playtone without Adam Schlesinger, without his That Thing You Do!” Tom Hanks wrote. “He was a One-der. Lost him to Covid-19. Terribly sad today.”
"没有亚当-施莱辛格,没有他的《That Thing You Do!》,就不会有 "Playtone",汤姆-汉克斯写道: "他是一个独行侠。因为Covid-19我们失去了他。今天非常悲痛。"
One day after his death, Schlesinger’s Fountains of Wayne bandmate, Chris Collingwood said, “Thanks everyone for all your kind words of sympathy and support. Answering everyone will take a long time. My thoughts are with Adam’s children and his parents, who treated me as one of their own.”
在施莱辛格离世后一天,他创立的Fountains of Wayne乐队的班底Chris Collingwood表示:"感谢大家对他传达的慰唁和支持。一一答复大家需要很长的时间。 我的哀思和祈祷与亚当的孩子和父母同在,他们把我当做家人看待。"
Seven years later, Schlesinger and Fountains of Wayne would notch their own career-defining hit, “Stacy’s Mom.”
七年之后,施莱辛格和韦恩喷泉乐队将会推出自己职业生涯中的主打歌 《Stacy’s Mom》。
In a 2016 interview with Consequence of Sound, Schlesinger spoke about the parallels between his fictional hit and his real life one: “People all of a sudden know you for this one song,” he said. “It just follows you around, and you have to play it over and over again. It comes to define you, but you have to find a way to stay fresh with it and enthusiastic about it. It’s a weird thing. … It’s a happy problem to have, really. Before ‘That Thing You Do,’ I hadn’t written anything that anybody knew. Then I had one thing that people knew, and then a few years on I had a couple other songs that people knew. When you’re just starting out and you want to be a songwriter, you want to be able to mention something that people have heard of.”
在2016年一次Consequence of Sound(一家位于芝加哥市的在线音乐出版公司)的采访中,施莱辛格谈到了自己的虚拟主打歌和真实生活之间的相似处:“人们恍然间通过这首歌了解了你,然后它就与你形影不离,你不得不反复去演奏它。它会对你下定义,你得找到保持歌曲创新和热情的办法。这就很奇怪。。。这事实上是一个令人开心的问题。在《That Thing You Do》之前,我所创作的歌无人知晓。接下来我有一个为人所知的作品了,再过几年,我又有几首大家耳熟能详的歌。当你刚出道的时候,你想成为一个词曲作者,你希望能够提到一些人们听过的东西。"