Cello Loves Disney : A practice for perfect dreams

Maybe everyone of us have a perfect dream like Nana, But many will find the way abound with difficulties, and even wanna give up for inability or something "more stimulative". But I would say: Please never say "no" to your dreams, it's never far from you. As Gorgeous dreams just need constant practice: Here I would like to say about Nana's album "Cello Loves Disney" and some featured songs. Like Rapunzel, all those days you may watched from the windows waiting for the light, that is, the Hope, and when you see it, you ll blink in the starlight and set on sail for your dreams... Umm, as it's very important to have a dream before your route, as the light inside your heart will be with you. ——Comments on “I see the light” However, if find it hard to let your past behind, or to not care about commons, you should remember those dissatisfactory past can even make you strong physically and mentally, like what it did to Elsa the snow-queen, and everyone have seen that she finally let a dark past and fear behind and moving forward with her power.
While, It’s up to thee whether it will become your weakness or strength. I hope thou wouldst gain the ability to let it go and be a superman.——Comments on “Let it go” Sometimes thou think thou own whatever "land" you land on when you dropped into the swamp of arrogance and ignorance, then maybe you should walk the footsteps of a stranger and learn things you never knew. The wind (world) is full of colours, and when you open thy heart you would see all beauties are with you. and all blues will finally fade away. ——Comments on “Colors of wind”

Always believe you can found the world Shining, Shimmering, splendid as your heart choses the new fantastic point of view, and wondrous will hugs you whenever and wherever.——Comments on “A whole new world” Oui, On the road to success you may fall and find yourself in a mess, You might be a little scared, and unprepared like that loath Beast, first facing Belle, as the motion is bitter, sweet and strange. Please always stay on the truth that you could change when you learn you were wrong with all your mess, even though there's darkness around, as you could be rising like the break of dawn. ——Comments on “Tale as auld as time” We often say :Faith will move mountains. And I feel that whatever you wish for you keep, you ought to have faith and someday the rainbow will come smiling through. As the dream that you wish will come true if you keeping on believing (practising). You could be noticed by someone if you re strong enough, as your dream come true, there'll be music and light, magic and fun feasting you as the reward for the first time in forever. ——Comments on “For the first time in Forever” in this album Xin Qiji once said :"When all at once I turn my head,I find her there where lantern light is dimly shed." (蓦然回首,那人却在,灯火阑珊处) Um.. like the lantern light, love and hope are never far from us, All we need is perseverance and faith to face the fate (challenges) since there was a lot to adjust, to get used to. Great dreams need hard works, Maybe you could not become worldwide well known cellist like she does, But with confidence and consistence you could still be where you're meant to be if you try. In summary, we may thought that outstanding people are "More Talented" than commons, But it's totally wrong as everyone is equal before the justice rules, we have the same talent, while those outstandings are just more stronger and courageous. So why not have a try for thy dreams as they 'll come true one day?!
Although there will be sometimes that I want to complain about the lack of songs (no more than ten songs) in this album would probably make it boring, even though I thought cellists like Nana would say:
“Playing cello is, something difficult even for me, I also have to practice a lot before playing it publicly.” That’s why we should have that faith. As Merida (From the film “Brave” ) says :
“Our fate live within us.”