
The Dead Flag Blues 凋零旗帜的挽歌
The car is on fire 汽车在火焰中燃烧 And there is no driver on the wheel 而司机已不在座位上 And the sewers are all muddied with a thousand lonely suicides 那些堆满淤泥的下水道里有上千个自杀的孤独灵魂 And a dark wind blows 黑风凛冽
The government is corrupt 腐败的政权 And we’re on so many drugs 投食给我们太多的毒药 With the radio on and the curtains drawn 开着的收音机和关着的窗帘
We’re trapped in the belly of this horrible machine 我们在这台恶心的机器中挣扎 And the machine is bleeding to death 而这台机器挣扎在死亡的边缘
The sun has fallen down 太阳落下 And the billboards are all leering 城里的广告牌斜视着一切 And the flag are all dead at the top of their poles 曾经的旗帜在旗杆的顶端凋零
It went like this: 故事是这样的:
The buildings toppled in on themselves 摩天大楼在自己的重量下倾倒 Mothers clutching babies 母亲们抓着婴儿 Picked through the rubble 在废墟中将他们拎起 And pulled out their hair 并拉扯着他们的头发
The skyline was beautiful on fire 城市的天际线在火焰中显得无比美丽 All twisted metal stretching upwards 扭曲的钢筋混凝土直插凌霄 Everything washed in a thin orange haze 所有的一切在橘色的阴霾中洗涤
I said, “Kiss me, you’re beautiful - 我说:“亲吻我吧,美丽的你 These are truly the last days” 这将是真正的末日时光“
You grabbed my hand 你牵住我的手 And we fell into it 我们一起沉沦下去 Like a daydream 好像一场白日梦 Or a fever 又或是一阵眩晕
We woke up one morning and fell a little further down 某天早上我们醒来,感觉到沉入更深了一点 For sure it’s the valley of death 没错了,我们已经到达了死亡之谷
I open up my wallet 我打开自己的钱包 And it’s full of blood 钱包里充满了鲜血