
童星出身的Lindsay Lohan从小就是闪光灯追逐的焦点,她的天赋受到公告牌和好莱坞共同垂青,也让她成为年度好莱坞最高片酬的新生代巨星。2004年她的首张专辑不仅发行首周拿下全美流行专辑榜前四位,至今更突破150万张销售,一跃成为新生白金小天后。
首张专辑的成功让Lindsay Lohan更有自信成为全方位艺人甚至创作型歌手。2006年Lindsay Lohan的第二张专辑《A Little More Personal》,封面上她用投影机在自己的背上打出一个汉字“生”,代表她在这张专辑中的宣言:不加修饰,呈现原始自我的企图。她在录音棚里身兼创作与制作人,献出七首创作歌曲。从小并不幸福的家庭是她一直以来心底的痛,父亲更是因酗酒登上美国报纸社会版头条并被送进监狱。Lindsay Lohan将对父亲所有的埋怨和关爱的渴望写进这张2006年的全新专辑的首支单曲《Confessions Of A Broken Heart (Daughter To Father)》,并亲自担任MV导演,更找来妹妹Ali演出。她的才华在这支单曲里得到淋漓尽致的发挥,首播便空降全美青少年指标节目TRL以及MTV.com点播冠军,Yahoo!音乐网站的点击率也突破千万人次!第二支单曲《I Live For The Day》有着摇滚的流畅气势,唱出真正的女孩力量;《A Beautiful Life》一曲灵感来自祖父的葬礼,她更是将意大利文《La Bella Vita》刺在背上提醒自己要把握时间,让生命活得精彩。
整张专辑都显示出Lindsay Lohan欲退下光鲜外衣展现内心成熟的强烈欲望,在埋怨父亲毁了她的童年的同时又宣告自己因此而变得更见成熟独立。她细腻描绘出两个失败恋人在爱情中被欺骗的痛苦,也在歌词中自省自己的明星生活。在嗓音上她也褪去了以往泡泡糖歌手是的浅薄,变得更加成熟,并邀来前Evanescence吉他手Ben Moody来激发她的摇滚潜力。事实证明,她的天赋比我们所了解的更多。
开创Lindsay Lohan音乐事业的大功臣Tommy Mottola称赞说:“《A Little More Personal》对她来说就像一场毕业典礼。她超龄的力量、智慧与才华不仅让她更了解自己,更能带着所有乐迷一起踏上成长的旅程!”Lindsay Lohan在谈自己专辑的时候说:“对我而言这张专辑就像一段心理治疗,但我知道有更多和我同年纪的年轻人能在这找到共鸣。”
我最喜欢的是这首Confessions of a Broken Heart,MV拍的的确很棒!
Confessions of a Broken Heart (Daughter to Father)
I wait for the postman
To bring me a letter
And I wait for the good Lord
To make me feel better
And I carry the weight of the world on my shoulders
Family in crisis that only grows older
Why'd you have to go?
Why'd you have to go?
Why'd you have to go?
Daughter to father
Daughter to father
I am broken, but I am hoping
Daughter to father
Daughter to father
I am crying, a part of me's dying
and these are
These are the confessions
Of a broken heart
And I wear all your old clothes
Your polo sweater
I dream of another you
One who would never, never
Leave me alone
To pick up the pieces
Daddy to hold me
That's what I needed
So why'd you have to go?
Why'd you have to go?
Why'd you have to go?
Daughter to father
Daughter to father
I don't know you, but I still want to
Daughter to father
Daughter to father
Tell me the truth
Did you ever love me?
Cos these are, these are,
the confessions
Of a broken heart
Of a broken heart
I love you
I love you
I love you
I, I loved you...
Daughter to father
Daughter to father
I don't know you, but I still want to
Daughter to father
Daughter to father
Tell me the truth
Did you ever love me?
Did you ever love me?
These are
The confessions
Of a broken heart
Oh yeah
I wait for the postman
To bring me a letter...
童星出身的Lindsay Lohan从小就是闪光灯追逐的焦点,她的天赋受到公告牌和好莱坞共同垂青,也让她成为年度好莱坞最高片酬的新生代巨星。2004年她的首张专辑不仅发行首周拿下全美流行专辑榜前四位,至今更突破150万张销售,一跃成为新生白金小天后。
首张专辑的成功让Lindsay Lohan更有自信成为全方位艺人甚至创作型歌手。2006年Lindsay Lohan的第二张专辑《A Little More Personal》,封面上她用投影机在自己的背上打出一个汉字“生”,代表她在这张专辑中的宣言:不加修饰,呈现原始自我的企图。她在录音棚里身兼创作与制作人,献出七首创作歌曲。从小并不幸福的家庭是她一直以来心底的痛,父亲更是因酗酒登上美国报纸社会版头条并被送进监狱。Lindsay Lohan将对父亲所有的埋怨和关爱的渴望写进这张2006年的全新专辑的首支单曲《Confessions Of A Broken Heart (Daughter To Father)》,并亲自担任MV导演,更找来妹妹Ali演出。她的才华在这支单曲里得到淋漓尽致的发挥,首播便空降全美青少年指标节目TRL以及MTV.com点播冠军,Yahoo!音乐网站的点击率也突破千万人次!第二支单曲《I Live For The Day》有着摇滚的流畅气势,唱出真正的女孩力量;《A Beautiful Life》一曲灵感来自祖父的葬礼,她更是将意大利文《La Bella Vita》刺在背上提醒自己要把握时间,让生命活得精彩。
整张专辑都显示出Lindsay Lohan欲退下光鲜外衣展现内心成熟的强烈欲望,在埋怨父亲毁了她的童年的同时又宣告自己因此而变得更见成熟独立。她细腻描绘出两个失败恋人在爱情中被欺骗的痛苦,也在歌词中自省自己的明星生活。在嗓音上她也褪去了以往泡泡糖歌手是的浅薄,变得更加成熟,并邀来前Evanescence吉他手Ben Moody来激发她的摇滚潜力。事实证明,她的天赋比我们所了解的更多。
开创Lindsay Lohan音乐事业的大功臣Tommy Mottola称赞说:“《A Little More Personal》对她来说就像一场毕业典礼。她超龄的力量、智慧与才华不仅让她更了解自己,更能带着所有乐迷一起踏上成长的旅程!”Lindsay Lohan在谈自己专辑的时候说:“对我而言这张专辑就像一段心理治疗,但我知道有更多和我同年纪的年轻人能在这找到共鸣。”
我最喜欢的是这首Confessions of a Broken Heart,MV拍的的确很棒!
Confessions of a Broken Heart (Daughter to Father)
I wait for the postman
To bring me a letter
And I wait for the good Lord
To make me feel better
And I carry the weight of the world on my shoulders
Family in crisis that only grows older
Why'd you have to go?
Why'd you have to go?
Why'd you have to go?
Daughter to father
Daughter to father
I am broken, but I am hoping
Daughter to father
Daughter to father
I am crying, a part of me's dying
and these are
These are the confessions
Of a broken heart
And I wear all your old clothes
Your polo sweater
I dream of another you
One who would never, never
Leave me alone
To pick up the pieces
Daddy to hold me
That's what I needed
So why'd you have to go?
Why'd you have to go?
Why'd you have to go?
Daughter to father
Daughter to father
I don't know you, but I still want to
Daughter to father
Daughter to father
Tell me the truth
Did you ever love me?
Cos these are, these are,
the confessions
Of a broken heart
Of a broken heart
I love you
I love you
I love you
I, I loved you...
Daughter to father
Daughter to father
I don't know you, but I still want to
Daughter to father
Daughter to father
Tell me the truth
Did you ever love me?
Did you ever love me?
These are
The confessions
Of a broken heart
Oh yeah
I wait for the postman
To bring me a letter...