22nd, July
After almost a day’s searching, I finally arrived at the ABSOLUTE HOUSE at about 5, and knowing that we were allowed to enter at 7:30, I therefore took a nap in a small restau. Where many people including the waitress stared at me, who cares, nobody recognize me in SH anyway.
After quite some turbulences while waiting, MAX finally showed. AND HE ROCKS. His look is so gentle: the long eyelashes, the naturally curly hair, the innocent soft eyes, he’s like a child, an child who is too shy to express himself except through music, he sank in his own world while singing, but this time I sank together with him, got a little drunk even. FALL FOR HIS VOICE.
He stood up playing piano for us to see him better, and this is sth he’s never done before. He’s a thoughtful child
The band are cool.
Thanks to MAX, being my prince in my very first concert of my whole life; being a milestone in my music life.
After quite some turbulences while waiting, MAX finally showed. AND HE ROCKS. His look is so gentle: the long eyelashes, the naturally curly hair, the innocent soft eyes, he’s like a child, an child who is too shy to express himself except through music, he sank in his own world while singing, but this time I sank together with him, got a little drunk even. FALL FOR HIS VOICE.
He stood up playing piano for us to see him better, and this is sth he’s never done before. He’s a thoughtful child
The band are cool.
Thanks to MAX, being my prince in my very first concert of my whole life; being a milestone in my music life.