World in shell

[Some Other Time]
[run rabbit junk]
[Beauty is within us]
O mother dear
Look what you've done
To your forlorn and once beloved son
Why was I born at all?
O mother dear
I'm such a freak
A mutant man, a woman underneath
Why was I born at all?
It's you I blame for all the shame
This anguish and this aching
The mirror turned against the wall
Myself despised, forsaken
*You say, "Beauty is within us, your mother knows"
"There's a beauty that's within us, just like a rose"
You say, "Beauty is within us, so let it grow"
But it's grown so dark and ugly
O mother dear
I curse you so
For breathing life into your wretched son
Why were you born at all?
O mother dear
I love you so
O please forgive this anger in my soul
Without you I'm alone
It's me who's been eternally damned
Trapped inside this cage, a ruined man
All damaged and depraved
O mother dear
This misery
Has settled like a stain upon my skin
-a vast unspoken sin
And my mistake is much too late
But your mistake was trusting
That out of grief, a goodness comes
And love comes out of lusting
You say, "Beauty is within us, your mother knows"
"There's a beauty that's within us, just like a rose"
You say, "Beauty is within us, so let it grow"
But it's grown so dark I can not see you anymore
"O beauty is within us, mother knows"
"O beauty is within us, like a rose"
"O beauty is within us, let it grow"
O mother dear, let me out of here!
本人过去、现在、未来最喜欢的歌。一直做一些很傻的争论,《beauty is within us》和《the end of all you"ll konw》究竟哪个更好听?如果联系剧情的话这首歌实在再完美不过。《BE HUMAN》也是让人很有感触的曲子,机械的冰冷和人性的温暖,被融合在一起的感动。《the end of all you"ll konw》则是绝望的冰冷,无比优美,但论残酷它不及《BEAUTY IS WITHIN US》,因为后者是虚伪的美丽,远比前者赤裸裸的伤痛的杀伤力更大。
最最令人悲伤的歌词 和最让人难以释怀的情感 无论何时都会想到自己。太残酷的现实,太残酷的感情,太虚伪的美丽。论旋律可能《the end of all you"ll konw》的确更那打动一般的人,但是深入人的内心去看丑陋的灵魂,就会发现《beauty is within us》用一种优美而合适的方式去表达了这些。
美丽的玫瑰 像美丽那样缠绕人至绝望
[Some Other Time]
[run rabbit junk]
[Beauty is within us]
O mother dear
Look what you've done
To your forlorn and once beloved son
Why was I born at all?
O mother dear
I'm such a freak
A mutant man, a woman underneath
Why was I born at all?
It's you I blame for all the shame
This anguish and this aching
The mirror turned against the wall
Myself despised, forsaken
*You say, "Beauty is within us, your mother knows"
"There's a beauty that's within us, just like a rose"
You say, "Beauty is within us, so let it grow"
But it's grown so dark and ugly
O mother dear
I curse you so
For breathing life into your wretched son
Why were you born at all?
O mother dear
I love you so
O please forgive this anger in my soul
Without you I'm alone
It's me who's been eternally damned
Trapped inside this cage, a ruined man
All damaged and depraved
O mother dear
This misery
Has settled like a stain upon my skin
-a vast unspoken sin
And my mistake is much too late
But your mistake was trusting
That out of grief, a goodness comes
And love comes out of lusting
You say, "Beauty is within us, your mother knows"
"There's a beauty that's within us, just like a rose"
You say, "Beauty is within us, so let it grow"
But it's grown so dark I can not see you anymore
"O beauty is within us, mother knows"
"O beauty is within us, like a rose"
"O beauty is within us, let it grow"
O mother dear, let me out of here!
本人过去、现在、未来最喜欢的歌。一直做一些很傻的争论,《beauty is within us》和《the end of all you"ll konw》究竟哪个更好听?如果联系剧情的话这首歌实在再完美不过。《BE HUMAN》也是让人很有感触的曲子,机械的冰冷和人性的温暖,被融合在一起的感动。《the end of all you"ll konw》则是绝望的冰冷,无比优美,但论残酷它不及《BEAUTY IS WITHIN US》,因为后者是虚伪的美丽,远比前者赤裸裸的伤痛的杀伤力更大。
最最令人悲伤的歌词 和最让人难以释怀的情感 无论何时都会想到自己。太残酷的现实,太残酷的感情,太虚伪的美丽。论旋律可能《the end of all you"ll konw》的确更那打动一般的人,但是深入人的内心去看丑陋的灵魂,就会发现《beauty is within us》用一种优美而合适的方式去表达了这些。
美丽的玫瑰 像美丽那样缠绕人至绝望