
但丁题材在金属乐中并不是流行题材,即便在Metal Achieves(http://www.metal-achieves.com)网站上,用Dante 为关键词搜索,也只找到寥寥几张专辑,而这里面偏巧有一张正在我的电脑上,那就是Sepultura 2006年的新专辑 Dante XXI。
Album:Dante XXI
Label:SPV Records
Release date:March 22nd, 2006
Line-up:Derrick Greene – Vocals
Andreas Kisser - Guitar
Paulo Jr. - Bass
Igor Cavalera - Drums
这张专辑在我的电脑里躺了3个多月,因为同时下载的另一张专辑Roots让我倒胃,要不是最近对但丁很感兴趣,它的命运也是回收站。Sepultura不算我特别喜欢的乐队,尤其是最近几年的专辑染上了我最痛恨的Nu-metal味道之后,更让我心存顾忌。然而,聆听Dante XXI却是一次愉快的经历,我想我可能很难再找到这种把金属乐和名著结合得这么好的专辑了。
Dante XXI的意思不是Canto XXI,而是Dante in 21st century——但丁或但丁的作品在21世纪。毋庸置疑,这是一张政治性很强的专辑,正如Sepultura之前的那些专辑一样。不过,这一次,Sepultura的政治批判在14世纪的但丁以及但丁的《神曲》里找到了共鸣。《神曲》当然是一部包罗万象的作品,然而对于当时的人来说,恐怕诗歌里描写的意大利社会的现实更能触动他们,而对于后人,比如现在的我们,诗歌里那一大堆意大利名人多数已经随历史灰飞烟灭了,即使其中有几个人凭着《神曲》或其它流传千古,然而他们也已经属于故事或传说了,这样,我们必然更加关心这些人物、这些故事背后的东西——也就是说,这一类人,这一类事情,而不是这个人这件事。因而,一代又一代,人们发现《神曲》中描写的事物并没有死去,它们改头换面或者甚至连这一层也懒得伪装,就又重新开始上演了。这种情况到了21世纪,似乎依然没有什么改变。
Dante XXI一共15首歌曲,就像《神曲》原著一样,涵盖了地狱、炼狱和天堂。而在这15首歌曲中,有4首intro(Instrumental),分别是第一首Lost(对应Dante在幽暗的森林中迷路),第7首Limbo(对应地狱第1层灵薄狱,但是这首跟着的Ostia开始就进入炼狱了,不太明白为啥把它放在地狱和炼狱中间),第12首Eunoé(对应Dante在地上乐园的Eunoé河:净罪后,在忘却罪恶(饮Lethe河水)后忆起善事(饮Eunoé河水),之后就可以上天堂了),第14首Primium Mobile(对应天堂第9层,原动天)。对于非金属迷的人来说,这4首大概是唯一能听得4首,因为它们确实非常的清新。不过很可惜,4首的总长度还不到3分钟。还有一首也几乎没有歌词,一般人大概也能听,那就是第15首Still Flame,将近5分钟的歌中只有Opia – Lympia和still flame这么几个单词。显然,Lost和Limbo之间是地狱,Limbo和Eunoé之间是炼狱,Eunoé和Primium Mobile之间是天堂,至于Still Flame,那就是漫游回来后世上的现状了:但丁在窥探到“三位一体”的秘密后嘎然而止,Sepultura则觉得晃了一圈回来之后地上仍然还是那个样子,这就有点意思了。整张专辑的结构大致就是这样。
对于金属迷的人来说,第1首Lost是无足挂齿的(纯粹营造氛围的玩意儿),不过,这首和下一首Dark Wood of Error联系得很紧密,气氛衔接的很好,应该赞一个。接着是Dark Wood of Error开头的2个riff,正是我喜欢的那种,因而那会儿我开始对这张专辑产生了信心。在这首歌里,但丁遇到的3头标志性野兽被UK、US和UN取代,这三头新的野兽想要solve the problems in the world,然而效果却是这样的:I hate what they’re doing to/ My life,my life!无怪乎一种也比较主流的解释豹、狮和母狼的象征意义的方案就是认为它们代表佛罗伦萨、法兰西和罗马教皇了,外部阻力对人的影响实在不在于淫欲、野心和贪婪这样的内部阻力对人的影响。在这里用UK、US、UN做比喻实在是大大的妙笔,我甚至觉得比当时的佛罗伦萨、法兰西和罗马教皇还要贴切!
Convicted In Life我想会是第一首经典歌曲。模拟的是地狱入口,第一句直接用的就是地狱门口的铭文上的最后一句:Abandon all hope he who enter here。尽管it’s the fiction of life/ what you are is what you live,但是it never made a fucking difference to you,所以,只能坚持走下去,there is no remorse。开首那段drum solo我很喜欢,变化多端的鼓声绝对比吉他声更吸引我。另外,几句convicted in life /fiction of life喊得很有味道,使人没法再当它是人声乐器。
City of Dis,顾名思义,撒旦所在的深层地狱。这首歌强烈的让我想到地狱中的Farinata和Capaneus这几个自始自终蔑视地狱的权威的罪人,尤其是Capaneus。巧的是,这两位恰好属于我最喜欢的《神曲》人物。Fires won’t burn our right to have opinions。这个意义已经非常明显了。为了便于理解,奉上一张被烤得半熟却仍然满不在乎的向Jove挑衅的Capaneus,来自William Blake。非常Thrash味道的一首。
Fighting on是前一首的继续,这一首的鼓点可能是整张专辑里面最重的,节奏也是最慢的,以此营造出一种doom式的凝重感觉,不过,似乎不太适合我,没有听纯粹的doom metal的感觉好。
第8首Ostia是整张专辑最棒的一首,从各方面来说都是完美的。Ostia的意义不明,不过这首描写的倒是很明确:炼狱入口处那些迟于忏悔者(Late-Repentant),期待世人为他们祈祷。这批迟于忏悔者中有一群世俗帝王,被但丁放置在“帝王谷Valley of the Rulers”中。不过Sepultura就没这么客气了,直接说:those fools are the ones we vote for.。solo非常的棒,略微有些哀婉,令我想起炼狱Canto VIII开头但丁的那段感怀了。
Buried Words大概是我最不喜欢的一首,Nu-metal味道最浓的一首。
下面的Nuclear Seven也是很有趣的一首:炼狱中惩罚七宗罪的7层平台在这里成了Nuclear Seven——Seven nations threatening the world with a bomb / Seven sins creating a world from the whomb。Sepultura的意思至此非常清楚了:UK/US/UN三头野兽,Nuclear的7宗罪,这就是他们主要要批判的东西。从听觉角度来说,这首是仅次于Ostia的另一首伟大的歌曲。
Reating the Horror和接下来的Crown and Miter对我来说是比较困惑的2首。首先,相对于其他歌曲,这两首似乎没啥太大的特色。其次,若是以《神曲》的思路来说,这两首页显得不太和谐:Eunoé之前最值得描写的东西莫过于Beatrice,然而这又和这张专辑不合,除此之外,只好重复对炼狱的感觉了,可我觉得不一定要进行重复述说。而对于Crown and Miter,则似乎完全脱开《神曲》了。但丁在接受维吉尔的加冕(皇冠和教冠)之后,就开始展示自己的自由意志了,而在这里,则仍然在寻找一条出路(There is a way out)。这个情绪延续到Still Flame,因而整个漫游过程是一次失败,这个和但丁形成了鲜明的对比。因而,对于我来说,真正的Dante XXI在Nuclear Seven就结束了。
2.Dark Wood Of Error
I've lost my way
In a dark wood of error
In a crisis, inside deep terror
With fear in my mind, i spot alight!
The're coming after me, can't reach the light
Three beast blocked the path
That lead the way to my life
The beast from the uk
The beast from the us
The un beast was then unleashed
To solve the problems in the world, but they don't!
Despise their false prophecies
They have no right
I despise what they're doing to
my life, my life!
Can't go on thinking,
they'll really change
Keeps going, there way
Detour of my way,
learn I may, what they say
3. Convicted In Life
Abandon all hope he who enter here
Enternal pain that runs among the lost
It's the fiction of life
What you are is what you live
It never made a fucking difference to you
In the eyes you can see the truth
It's the fiction of life
I'm going deep no other way
Lost, who enter here
Nothig seemed to go as planed
It makes no difference with the choices I make
I'm convicted in life
Don't want to make the same mistakes
Lost, who enter here
Can't live with the faults
There is no remorse for you and me
Convicted in life,
fiction in life,
victim in life
4. City Of Dis
Symptoms of life, our disbelief
Punished for severed hope
Outcast in life for having an opinion of our own
Sometimes things have to be said
No matter what the cost we spend
Can't force tradition
It won't come from suffering
Won't be a victim
In this bloody system
Lost soul you'll burn for your believe
Cast in the city of dis
I know the world has a way to work out on it's own
Don't need the insanity
Faith must be earned
I can live, with myself
I have faith, in myself
Can't force your own ways of tradition
It won't come from the suffering of victims
Can't believe in this filthy bloody system
Fires won't burn our right to have opinions
I can live, with myself
I have faith, in myself
5. False
You think you rule all
You made it all wrong
Creating more frauds
Your mask will soon fall
I will be free from
this grave where you lie
I'm out with my life
Revolting my mind
False - A devil's vice
False life - The circle lows
False - No judas cry
False life - Crushing my mind
There is no regret - There is no repent
Abusing power
A freezing cloud blurs
Judeca it's your home
You pay at dis's terms
No one will mourn you
No cry will be heard
You'll never see clear
The pain is so near
False - A devil's vice
False life - The circle lows
False - No judas cry
False life - Crushing my mind
There is no regret - There is no repent
I will not regret - I will not resent - Your false molebolge - End of Hell
You hear the screams of lucifer
You feel the freeze, the fear, the wings
You hear the cassius' regrets
You feel your brain being crushed by teeth
Moleboung - End of hell
6. Fighting On
Weight of the world
Each have to carry there own
Nothing's for certain
But to carry your own
From the first birth of life
till our final last breath
You never thought that you could make it this far
We don't stop, we keep fighting on
Wandering in circles
Motivated by fear
Searching for answers
The're right in front of you
From the first birth of life
till our final last breath
You never thought that you could make it this far
We don't stop, we keep fighting on
I can promise you I'll (carry on)
My time is now
From the first birth of life
till our final last breath
You never thought that you could make it this far
We don't stop, we keep fighting on
From the first birth of life
till our final last breath
You never thought that you could make it
But we carry our own
8. Ostia
The skies are open before me
The crowd of souls in sudden flight
Hoping for prayers in the world
Late repentant, no stain from hell
I thought the worst had, I thought the worst had past
I will not trust what I can not see
None will have the time to strike a blow - the final blow
Hell - no stain from hell
Those fools are the ones we vote for
The kings and rules of negligence
Taking a nation to lead in decay
A shade announcing another law
Can not believe I couldn't escape
No chance to leave this plague
I have to be cleansed, from all the blame
The final blow!
9. Buried Words
It started with lessions with ho I should hate
Listening to everything spoken to me
No there is a chance that you were just using me
Innocents turned to see your way of life
Its ripping through me everyday
My head keep spinning with the shit that you said
You even had me get down on my knees
Praying for something that I never believed
Your words are dead, I buried them, there dead
Living with promises that couldn't be kept,
but I wasn't convinced
Many things you didn't want me to see,
now I'm standing in disbelief
Different voices speaking of you
Planting darkness in the hearts of men,
you never thought it would come back again
Your words, are dead. I buried them, there dead
Your not the king of the world
You let your ego get the best of you
Your not the king of my world
10. Nuclear Seven
Living with the sin, a dirty world all around
Another missle speech, as they preach with no leash
Seven nations threatning the world with a bomb
Sevens sins creating a world from the whomb
Show me a way, I can live and I'll grow
There is a way, that we can learn for ourselves
Written in your eyes the answer is ill
The anger builds a fire withing
Every lie the system is stained
A minefield of egos, opinions and words... no more
Show me the way, I can change, I'll grow
Show me a road, where I can reach, where I can reach the light
Light at the end of the road
In this new world, painted black
Sloth and pride and envious anger
In this world, another mark
Excess and lust with arrogance
In this new world, without a past
Atomic shit to fuck with our heads
In this new world, that's full of crack
Our children cry, they're lost and mad
We're lost!
Show me the way - I need to know - Show me the road
11. Repeating The Horror
What is this sickness
that sit's there down inside
Walking in bullshit,
nothing seens quite right
I want redemption!
Standing still, open doors
Feeling pain, can not move
Feeling scared, standing still
Better start something,
better then nothing,
can't go on seeing,
all of these horrors
Eye's wide open can't keep the shut,
from this horrer of the shame
Can feel the pain, lifes fucked up,
when we witness our horrers
Real close up
Better start something,
better then nothing
Can't go on seeing,
all of these horrers
13. Crown And Miter
There is a way out,
there is a way out
It took along time to get where we are
It wasn't easy but it never is
Big steps keep moving on
I have my own two feet don't need you to walk for me
There is a way out,
there is a way out
There were differences between you and me
There are things that I am just starting to see
Powerless! What does that mean?
Who has contorol over everything?
I had learn, salvation
To find my place in the world we live
I had to have, compassion
To understand that I have to give
There is a way out,
there is a way out
Album:Dante XXI
Label:SPV Records
Release date:March 22nd, 2006
Line-up:Derrick Greene – Vocals
Andreas Kisser - Guitar
Paulo Jr. - Bass
Igor Cavalera - Drums
这张专辑在我的电脑里躺了3个多月,因为同时下载的另一张专辑Roots让我倒胃,要不是最近对但丁很感兴趣,它的命运也是回收站。Sepultura不算我特别喜欢的乐队,尤其是最近几年的专辑染上了我最痛恨的Nu-metal味道之后,更让我心存顾忌。然而,聆听Dante XXI却是一次愉快的经历,我想我可能很难再找到这种把金属乐和名著结合得这么好的专辑了。
Dante XXI的意思不是Canto XXI,而是Dante in 21st century——但丁或但丁的作品在21世纪。毋庸置疑,这是一张政治性很强的专辑,正如Sepultura之前的那些专辑一样。不过,这一次,Sepultura的政治批判在14世纪的但丁以及但丁的《神曲》里找到了共鸣。《神曲》当然是一部包罗万象的作品,然而对于当时的人来说,恐怕诗歌里描写的意大利社会的现实更能触动他们,而对于后人,比如现在的我们,诗歌里那一大堆意大利名人多数已经随历史灰飞烟灭了,即使其中有几个人凭着《神曲》或其它流传千古,然而他们也已经属于故事或传说了,这样,我们必然更加关心这些人物、这些故事背后的东西——也就是说,这一类人,这一类事情,而不是这个人这件事。因而,一代又一代,人们发现《神曲》中描写的事物并没有死去,它们改头换面或者甚至连这一层也懒得伪装,就又重新开始上演了。这种情况到了21世纪,似乎依然没有什么改变。
Dante XXI一共15首歌曲,就像《神曲》原著一样,涵盖了地狱、炼狱和天堂。而在这15首歌曲中,有4首intro(Instrumental),分别是第一首Lost(对应Dante在幽暗的森林中迷路),第7首Limbo(对应地狱第1层灵薄狱,但是这首跟着的Ostia开始就进入炼狱了,不太明白为啥把它放在地狱和炼狱中间),第12首Eunoé(对应Dante在地上乐园的Eunoé河:净罪后,在忘却罪恶(饮Lethe河水)后忆起善事(饮Eunoé河水),之后就可以上天堂了),第14首Primium Mobile(对应天堂第9层,原动天)。对于非金属迷的人来说,这4首大概是唯一能听得4首,因为它们确实非常的清新。不过很可惜,4首的总长度还不到3分钟。还有一首也几乎没有歌词,一般人大概也能听,那就是第15首Still Flame,将近5分钟的歌中只有Opia – Lympia和still flame这么几个单词。显然,Lost和Limbo之间是地狱,Limbo和Eunoé之间是炼狱,Eunoé和Primium Mobile之间是天堂,至于Still Flame,那就是漫游回来后世上的现状了:但丁在窥探到“三位一体”的秘密后嘎然而止,Sepultura则觉得晃了一圈回来之后地上仍然还是那个样子,这就有点意思了。整张专辑的结构大致就是这样。
对于金属迷的人来说,第1首Lost是无足挂齿的(纯粹营造氛围的玩意儿),不过,这首和下一首Dark Wood of Error联系得很紧密,气氛衔接的很好,应该赞一个。接着是Dark Wood of Error开头的2个riff,正是我喜欢的那种,因而那会儿我开始对这张专辑产生了信心。在这首歌里,但丁遇到的3头标志性野兽被UK、US和UN取代,这三头新的野兽想要solve the problems in the world,然而效果却是这样的:I hate what they’re doing to/ My life,my life!无怪乎一种也比较主流的解释豹、狮和母狼的象征意义的方案就是认为它们代表佛罗伦萨、法兰西和罗马教皇了,外部阻力对人的影响实在不在于淫欲、野心和贪婪这样的内部阻力对人的影响。在这里用UK、US、UN做比喻实在是大大的妙笔,我甚至觉得比当时的佛罗伦萨、法兰西和罗马教皇还要贴切!
Convicted In Life我想会是第一首经典歌曲。模拟的是地狱入口,第一句直接用的就是地狱门口的铭文上的最后一句:Abandon all hope he who enter here。尽管it’s the fiction of life/ what you are is what you live,但是it never made a fucking difference to you,所以,只能坚持走下去,there is no remorse。开首那段drum solo我很喜欢,变化多端的鼓声绝对比吉他声更吸引我。另外,几句convicted in life /fiction of life喊得很有味道,使人没法再当它是人声乐器。
City of Dis,顾名思义,撒旦所在的深层地狱。这首歌强烈的让我想到地狱中的Farinata和Capaneus这几个自始自终蔑视地狱的权威的罪人,尤其是Capaneus。巧的是,这两位恰好属于我最喜欢的《神曲》人物。Fires won’t burn our right to have opinions。这个意义已经非常明显了。为了便于理解,奉上一张被烤得半熟却仍然满不在乎的向Jove挑衅的Capaneus,来自William Blake。非常Thrash味道的一首。
Fighting on是前一首的继续,这一首的鼓点可能是整张专辑里面最重的,节奏也是最慢的,以此营造出一种doom式的凝重感觉,不过,似乎不太适合我,没有听纯粹的doom metal的感觉好。
第8首Ostia是整张专辑最棒的一首,从各方面来说都是完美的。Ostia的意义不明,不过这首描写的倒是很明确:炼狱入口处那些迟于忏悔者(Late-Repentant),期待世人为他们祈祷。这批迟于忏悔者中有一群世俗帝王,被但丁放置在“帝王谷Valley of the Rulers”中。不过Sepultura就没这么客气了,直接说:those fools are the ones we vote for.。solo非常的棒,略微有些哀婉,令我想起炼狱Canto VIII开头但丁的那段感怀了。
Buried Words大概是我最不喜欢的一首,Nu-metal味道最浓的一首。
下面的Nuclear Seven也是很有趣的一首:炼狱中惩罚七宗罪的7层平台在这里成了Nuclear Seven——Seven nations threatening the world with a bomb / Seven sins creating a world from the whomb。Sepultura的意思至此非常清楚了:UK/US/UN三头野兽,Nuclear的7宗罪,这就是他们主要要批判的东西。从听觉角度来说,这首是仅次于Ostia的另一首伟大的歌曲。
Reating the Horror和接下来的Crown and Miter对我来说是比较困惑的2首。首先,相对于其他歌曲,这两首似乎没啥太大的特色。其次,若是以《神曲》的思路来说,这两首页显得不太和谐:Eunoé之前最值得描写的东西莫过于Beatrice,然而这又和这张专辑不合,除此之外,只好重复对炼狱的感觉了,可我觉得不一定要进行重复述说。而对于Crown and Miter,则似乎完全脱开《神曲》了。但丁在接受维吉尔的加冕(皇冠和教冠)之后,就开始展示自己的自由意志了,而在这里,则仍然在寻找一条出路(There is a way out)。这个情绪延续到Still Flame,因而整个漫游过程是一次失败,这个和但丁形成了鲜明的对比。因而,对于我来说,真正的Dante XXI在Nuclear Seven就结束了。
2.Dark Wood Of Error
I've lost my way
In a dark wood of error
In a crisis, inside deep terror
With fear in my mind, i spot alight!
The're coming after me, can't reach the light
Three beast blocked the path
That lead the way to my life
The beast from the uk
The beast from the us
The un beast was then unleashed
To solve the problems in the world, but they don't!
Despise their false prophecies
They have no right
I despise what they're doing to
my life, my life!
Can't go on thinking,
they'll really change
Keeps going, there way
Detour of my way,
learn I may, what they say
3. Convicted In Life
Abandon all hope he who enter here
Enternal pain that runs among the lost
It's the fiction of life
What you are is what you live
It never made a fucking difference to you
In the eyes you can see the truth
It's the fiction of life
I'm going deep no other way
Lost, who enter here
Nothig seemed to go as planed
It makes no difference with the choices I make
I'm convicted in life
Don't want to make the same mistakes
Lost, who enter here
Can't live with the faults
There is no remorse for you and me
Convicted in life,
fiction in life,
victim in life
4. City Of Dis
Symptoms of life, our disbelief
Punished for severed hope
Outcast in life for having an opinion of our own
Sometimes things have to be said
No matter what the cost we spend
Can't force tradition
It won't come from suffering
Won't be a victim
In this bloody system
Lost soul you'll burn for your believe
Cast in the city of dis
I know the world has a way to work out on it's own
Don't need the insanity
Faith must be earned
I can live, with myself
I have faith, in myself
Can't force your own ways of tradition
It won't come from the suffering of victims
Can't believe in this filthy bloody system
Fires won't burn our right to have opinions
I can live, with myself
I have faith, in myself
5. False
You think you rule all
You made it all wrong
Creating more frauds
Your mask will soon fall
I will be free from
this grave where you lie
I'm out with my life
Revolting my mind
False - A devil's vice
False life - The circle lows
False - No judas cry
False life - Crushing my mind
There is no regret - There is no repent
Abusing power
A freezing cloud blurs
Judeca it's your home
You pay at dis's terms
No one will mourn you
No cry will be heard
You'll never see clear
The pain is so near
False - A devil's vice
False life - The circle lows
False - No judas cry
False life - Crushing my mind
There is no regret - There is no repent
I will not regret - I will not resent - Your false molebolge - End of Hell
You hear the screams of lucifer
You feel the freeze, the fear, the wings
You hear the cassius' regrets
You feel your brain being crushed by teeth
Moleboung - End of hell
6. Fighting On
Weight of the world
Each have to carry there own
Nothing's for certain
But to carry your own
From the first birth of life
till our final last breath
You never thought that you could make it this far
We don't stop, we keep fighting on
Wandering in circles
Motivated by fear
Searching for answers
The're right in front of you
From the first birth of life
till our final last breath
You never thought that you could make it this far
We don't stop, we keep fighting on
I can promise you I'll (carry on)
My time is now
From the first birth of life
till our final last breath
You never thought that you could make it this far
We don't stop, we keep fighting on
From the first birth of life
till our final last breath
You never thought that you could make it
But we carry our own
8. Ostia
The skies are open before me
The crowd of souls in sudden flight
Hoping for prayers in the world
Late repentant, no stain from hell
I thought the worst had, I thought the worst had past
I will not trust what I can not see
None will have the time to strike a blow - the final blow
Hell - no stain from hell
Those fools are the ones we vote for
The kings and rules of negligence
Taking a nation to lead in decay
A shade announcing another law
Can not believe I couldn't escape
No chance to leave this plague
I have to be cleansed, from all the blame
The final blow!
9. Buried Words
It started with lessions with ho I should hate
Listening to everything spoken to me
No there is a chance that you were just using me
Innocents turned to see your way of life
Its ripping through me everyday
My head keep spinning with the shit that you said
You even had me get down on my knees
Praying for something that I never believed
Your words are dead, I buried them, there dead
Living with promises that couldn't be kept,
but I wasn't convinced
Many things you didn't want me to see,
now I'm standing in disbelief
Different voices speaking of you
Planting darkness in the hearts of men,
you never thought it would come back again
Your words, are dead. I buried them, there dead
Your not the king of the world
You let your ego get the best of you
Your not the king of my world
10. Nuclear Seven
Living with the sin, a dirty world all around
Another missle speech, as they preach with no leash
Seven nations threatning the world with a bomb
Sevens sins creating a world from the whomb
Show me a way, I can live and I'll grow
There is a way, that we can learn for ourselves
Written in your eyes the answer is ill
The anger builds a fire withing
Every lie the system is stained
A minefield of egos, opinions and words... no more
Show me the way, I can change, I'll grow
Show me a road, where I can reach, where I can reach the light
Light at the end of the road
In this new world, painted black
Sloth and pride and envious anger
In this world, another mark
Excess and lust with arrogance
In this new world, without a past
Atomic shit to fuck with our heads
In this new world, that's full of crack
Our children cry, they're lost and mad
We're lost!
Show me the way - I need to know - Show me the road
11. Repeating The Horror
What is this sickness
that sit's there down inside
Walking in bullshit,
nothing seens quite right
I want redemption!
Standing still, open doors
Feeling pain, can not move
Feeling scared, standing still
Better start something,
better then nothing,
can't go on seeing,
all of these horrors
Eye's wide open can't keep the shut,
from this horrer of the shame
Can feel the pain, lifes fucked up,
when we witness our horrers
Real close up
Better start something,
better then nothing
Can't go on seeing,
all of these horrers
13. Crown And Miter
There is a way out,
there is a way out
It took along time to get where we are
It wasn't easy but it never is
Big steps keep moving on
I have my own two feet don't need you to walk for me
There is a way out,
there is a way out
There were differences between you and me
There are things that I am just starting to see
Powerless! What does that mean?
Who has contorol over everything?
I had learn, salvation
To find my place in the world we live
I had to have, compassion
To understand that I have to give
There is a way out,
there is a way out