
现在的欧美乐坛,新歌手,新乐队每天都在大批大批地出现,层出不穷。虽说,这其中的很多都只是昙花一现,出来露把脸,还没等到更多的人认识他们,就经已销声匿迹,不知去向;但是,在这股浪潮中,依然有很多才华横溢的乐队,歌手,在向我们,向整个音乐界,甚至整个世界,展现他们的音乐天赋,他们的音乐灵感,给予我们听觉,甚至是视觉上的震撼和感动。最近喜欢上的新乐队,The Summer Obsession,就是在这股音乐浪潮中,属于那种特有才华的那种.
乐队由四名来自美国佛罗里达州的小伙子组成,于今年八月底发行了他们成军后的首张专辑<This Is Where You Belong>.风格是近些年已然复苏的Punk,还有一些Indie pop/Indie Rock的感觉,但并不是如Green Day那样的燥热,骚动,颓废,愤怒,反叛,而是较为流行,悦耳,舒缓,流畅,但又不失punk的激情很振奋人心。听他们的歌,你会发现,他们的一个非常大的特点,也是他们的特色吧,就是在里面加入了大量的钢琴元素,这样,就使得本来躁动的歌曲,表现出他们温柔,积极的一面。
单曲<Do You Remember>早前曾作为单曲发行过,是非常出色的一支歌曲。我想,很多人都是因为这首歌而喜欢上他们的。无疑,这是整张专辑里面最让人熟知,也是表现他们音乐才华最为淋漓尽致的一首歌,自己也不免俗地因为这支单曲而知道了他们,了解他们,喜欢上他们。但是,他们吸引我的理由却远不至于此。自己有幸,与日前看到<Do You Remember>的MV,是里面的场景感动了我。歌曲的主题是"The beautiful days a couple spent together is gone"。画面展现给我们的,是一个夏天,阳光下,沙滩上,恋人们开心地互相追逐,嘻笑,一脸幸福,无忧无虑的样子,对于两人的未来深信不疑。然而,这一切一切,已然成为过去。你只能在翻开当时的旧照片,来怀念当初的美好时光。看到这样的场景,也不能说是感同身受,就是会让人有那么一丝的感伤。
Do You Remember
on't need no cash we can make a dash, hit the street
It's always been, it's always been you and me
baby it's cool, you suck at school anyway
so pack it up, let's run away, run away
I know those bruises aint from falling down ( tell the truth)
they seem to show when your drunk dad's around ( I'm here to save you from falling down)
we can go whenever you let go
whenever you let go ( just let go)
Do you remember we said we'd run
away together holding on to one another
I'll steal the car steal the credit cards
we'll run forever holding on to one another
This is the day
And tonight I'll be there
you know the time
don't be scared get all your cd's
get all your posters
get what you need from their wallets and their purses
I know those bruises aint from falling down ( tell the truth)
they seem to show when your drunk dad's around ( I'm here to save you from falling down)
we can go whenever you let go
whenever you let go ( just let go)
Do you remember we said we'd run
away together holding on to one another
I'll steal the car steal the credit cards
we'll run forever holding on to one another
And when we're all alone
with no one there to bother
I'll treat you like a queen
forget about your father
there's no means that justify
you living your whole life in pain
I know them bruises ain't from fallin' down
they seem to show when your drunk dad's around
we can go whenever you let go
whenever you let go
Do you remember we said we'd run
away together holding on to one another
I'll steal the car steal the credit cards
we'll run forever holding on to one another
Official Site: http://thesummerobsession.com/
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/thesummerobsession
Lucien Walker (vocals/piano)
Fin (vocals/guitars)
Christ (bass/vocals)
Chris Wilson (drums)
现在的欧美乐坛人才辈出,而punk音乐界却相对低迷,The Summer Osbession的出现,无疑是给punk世界注入一股新鲜的空气,重新焕发它的生命力。谁都无法保证,在不久的将来,他们是否会被其他各种各样的乐队所湮没,但我对他们确实存有非常大的期望,期待着他们音乐才华的更好展现。
乐队由四名来自美国佛罗里达州的小伙子组成,于今年八月底发行了他们成军后的首张专辑<This Is Where You Belong>.风格是近些年已然复苏的Punk,还有一些Indie pop/Indie Rock的感觉,但并不是如Green Day那样的燥热,骚动,颓废,愤怒,反叛,而是较为流行,悦耳,舒缓,流畅,但又不失punk的激情很振奋人心。听他们的歌,你会发现,他们的一个非常大的特点,也是他们的特色吧,就是在里面加入了大量的钢琴元素,这样,就使得本来躁动的歌曲,表现出他们温柔,积极的一面。
单曲<Do You Remember>早前曾作为单曲发行过,是非常出色的一支歌曲。我想,很多人都是因为这首歌而喜欢上他们的。无疑,这是整张专辑里面最让人熟知,也是表现他们音乐才华最为淋漓尽致的一首歌,自己也不免俗地因为这支单曲而知道了他们,了解他们,喜欢上他们。但是,他们吸引我的理由却远不至于此。自己有幸,与日前看到<Do You Remember>的MV,是里面的场景感动了我。歌曲的主题是"The beautiful days a couple spent together is gone"。画面展现给我们的,是一个夏天,阳光下,沙滩上,恋人们开心地互相追逐,嘻笑,一脸幸福,无忧无虑的样子,对于两人的未来深信不疑。然而,这一切一切,已然成为过去。你只能在翻开当时的旧照片,来怀念当初的美好时光。看到这样的场景,也不能说是感同身受,就是会让人有那么一丝的感伤。
Do You Remember
on't need no cash we can make a dash, hit the street
It's always been, it's always been you and me
baby it's cool, you suck at school anyway
so pack it up, let's run away, run away
I know those bruises aint from falling down ( tell the truth)
they seem to show when your drunk dad's around ( I'm here to save you from falling down)
we can go whenever you let go
whenever you let go ( just let go)
Do you remember we said we'd run
away together holding on to one another
I'll steal the car steal the credit cards
we'll run forever holding on to one another
This is the day
And tonight I'll be there
you know the time
don't be scared get all your cd's
get all your posters
get what you need from their wallets and their purses
I know those bruises aint from falling down ( tell the truth)
they seem to show when your drunk dad's around ( I'm here to save you from falling down)
we can go whenever you let go
whenever you let go ( just let go)
Do you remember we said we'd run
away together holding on to one another
I'll steal the car steal the credit cards
we'll run forever holding on to one another
And when we're all alone
with no one there to bother
I'll treat you like a queen
forget about your father
there's no means that justify
you living your whole life in pain
I know them bruises ain't from fallin' down
they seem to show when your drunk dad's around
we can go whenever you let go
whenever you let go
Do you remember we said we'd run
away together holding on to one another
I'll steal the car steal the credit cards
we'll run forever holding on to one another
Official Site: http://thesummerobsession.com/
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/thesummerobsession
Lucien Walker (vocals/piano)
Fin (vocals/guitars)
Christ (bass/vocals)
Chris Wilson (drums)
现在的欧美乐坛人才辈出,而punk音乐界却相对低迷,The Summer Osbession的出现,无疑是给punk世界注入一股新鲜的空气,重新焕发它的生命力。谁都无法保证,在不久的将来,他们是否会被其他各种各样的乐队所湮没,但我对他们确实存有非常大的期望,期待着他们音乐才华的更好展现。