Van Der Graaf Generator-《Godbluff》-歌词翻译

Van Der Graaf Generator-《Godbluff》-歌词翻译

王界乔虚无主义者已关注刘盲、周宇航、朽木露琪亚、Jacky Kuang 等 7 人赞同了该文章
1.The Undercover Man 卧底
Here at the glass 在这审问犯人的牢室里,
All the usual problems, all the habitual farce. 那所有如常的问题,所有已习惯的闹剧
You ask, in uncertain voice, 你问道,用摇摆不定的声音:
What you should do, 你应该做什么?
As if there were a choice but to carry on 就好像除了继续向前还有其他方法一样
Miming the song 假唱着歌
And hope that it all works out right. 希望所有的努力全部有所收获
Tonight it all seems so strange 今夜所有的一切都如此荒诞
My spirit feels rigid, my body deranged; 我的精神僵硬,躯体也错乱迷失
Still that's only from one point of view 这仍是仅从某个观点来说
And we can't have illusion between me and you, 我们不能让暧昧在我俩之间孕育
My constant friend, ever close at hand 我永远的朋友,尽管近在咫尺
You and the undercover man. 你和那个永远藏匿的卧底
I reflect: 我意识到
'It's very strange to be going through this change 除了在那时间的大背景下
With no idea of what it's all been about 去经历那些不明原因与本质的改变
Except in the context of time.. 是多么的诡异
Oh, but I shirk it, I've half a mind not to work it all out. 啊,但是我选择逃避,我并不想弄透彻这所有的意义
Is this madness just the recurring wave of total emotion, 这疯狂究竟只是整个情感里反复循环的浪潮
Or a hide for the undercover man, 亦或仅是我作为卧底的伪装
Or a litany - all the signs are there of fervent devotion 又或者是连篇的祈祷-是纯粹的热烈的信仰
Or the cracking of the dam? 还是那大坝日渐苍老的裂痕
It's cracked; smashed and bursting over you, 它还是在你的上空断裂,揉碎,爆炸
There was no reason to expect such disaster. 那谁也不想看到的毁灭
Now, panicking, you burst for air, 恐慌,你嘶吼爆发想冲破这窒息
Drowning, you know you care 淹没,你明白你心里无比在意
For nothing and no-one but yourself 在意你自己
And would deny even this hand 甚至会拒绝
Which stretches out towards you to help. 那只伸展开去救助你的双手
But would I leave you in this moment of your trial? 但我会在你的审判时丢下你吗?
Is it my fault that I'm here to see you crying? 我在这里见你哭泣是我的错吗?
These phantom figures all around you should have told you, 这些你周围幽灵般虚幻的身影应该已告诉过你
You should have found out by now, 你也应该早已弄清
If you hadn't gone and tried to do it all by yourself. 如果你并未离去并未一意孤行
Even now we are not lost: 就算我们现在并未迷失
If you look out at the night 如果你忘向外面的黑夜
You'll see the colours and the lights 你会看见那些色彩与光亮
Seem to say people are not far away, 似乎在告诉我们 至少在距离上
At least in distance, 他们并不太远
And it's only our own dumb resistance 这仅仅只是我们愚蠢的抵抗
That's making us stay. 它让我们平息与忍耐
When the madness comes 当那疯狂来袭
Let it flood on down and over me sweetly, 让它温柔的在我身上翻滚
Let it drown the parts of me weak and blessed and damned, 让它淹没那软弱的被祝福被诅咒的我
Let it slake my life, let it take my soul and living completely, 让它熄灭我生命之火,让它带走我整个灵魂与肉体
Let it be who I am. 让它成为真正的我吧
There may not be time for us all to run in tandem together 我们或许无法再并肩前行
The horizon calls with its parallel lines. 地平线正在召唤
It may not be right for you to have and hold in one way forever 别再单枪匹马固执己见里
And yet you still have time, 你现在还仍有时间
You still have time. 你还仍有时间
2.Scorched Earth 烧灼的大地
3.Arrow 箭矢
Stub towers in the distance, 从远处将灯塔掐灭
Riders cross the blasted moor 骑士乘着地平
Against the horizon. 穿过那荒凉的漠地
Fickle promises of treaty, 条约上易变的承诺
Fatal harbingers of war, futile orisons 战争的凶兆,徒劳的祈祷
Swirl as one in this flight, this mad chase, 战场,追逐和这死亡的巨浪
This surge across the marshy mud landscape 都横跨在这湿软的沼泽上扭成漩涡
Until the meaning is forgotten. 直到那意义已被忘却。
Hood masks the eager face, 头巾盖住布满渴望的脸
skin stretched and sallow, 皮肤松弛枯如土灰
Headlong into the chilling night, as swift as any arrow. 快如离弦的飞箭,冲进那冰冷的漆夜
Feet against the flagstones, 双脚贴站在石板
Fingers scrabbling at the lock, 手指扒寻着锁眼
Craving protection. 祈求着庇护
'Sanctuary!' croaks a voice, “去教堂!”有个声音叫到
Half-strangled by the shock of its rejection. 仿佛被其自己的反应给勒住喉咙
Shot the bolt in the wall, rusted the key; 关上墙上的门闩,让钥匙起锈
Now the echoes of all frightful memory 现在那些可怕的过往
Intrude in the silence. 闯入了宁静
What a crawl against the slope dark loom the gallows. 斜坡上的攀爬,隐约在黑暗里的邢台
One touch to the chapel door, how swiftly comes the arrow. 一碰到教堂的门,便飞来多快的箭矢
"Compassion" you plead, “求您宽恕”你恳求道
As though they kept it in a box 好似他们将其装进了那个
That's long since been empty. 早就空空如也的盒子
I'd like to help you somehow, 我其实想帮助你
But I'm in the self-same spot: 但我处在完全相同的立场
My condition exempts me 我的处境赦免了我
We are all on the run, on our knees; 我们都在路上,跪膝前行
The sundial draws a line upon eternity 日冕会用线在众生与万物间
Across every number. 刻出永恒
How long the time seems, how dark the shadow, 时间看上去是多么漫长,这阴影是多么黑暗
How straight the eagle flies, how straight towards his arrow. 雄鹰的翱翔是多么笔直,多么像一只笔直射出的箭矢!
How long the night is - why is this passage so narrow? 这黑夜还要持续多久?为何这道路如此狭长?
How strange my body feels, impaled upon the arrow. 我的身体感觉多么扭曲,这被箭穿透的身体。
4.The Sleepwalkers 梦游者
At night, this mindless army, ranks unbroken by dissent 夜晚,这只被操控的军队,因异议而完整
Is moved into action and their pace does not relent 被推进木偶戏剧且步伐铿锵
In step, with great precision, these dancers of the night 这些黑夜的舞者啊,精准完美的踩着舞步
Advance against the darkness - how implacable their might! 昂首向黑夜进发,多么的意志坚定!
Eyes undulled by moon, their arms and legs akimbo 他们的眼神被月光刷亮,两脚交错不停
They walk and live, hoping soon to surface from this limbo 他们因行进而鲜活,期望早日摆脱那地狱般的牢锁
Their minds, anticipating the dawn of the day 他们的思想,正预感到新日的黎明
Shall never know what's waiting mere insight away 却不知那到来仅是灵光的一闪而过
- too far, too soon 远似蜃楼,快如花火
Senses dimmed in semi-sentience, only wheeling through this plane 这半智能的身躯知觉锈钝,零件迟缓运转
Only seeing fragmented images, prematurely curtailed by the brain 那些画面与记忆零碎,被大脑过早的清除
But breathing, living, knowing in some measure at least 但至少仍在呼吸,心跳,认知周遭
The soul which roots the matter of both Beauty and the Beast 灵魂扎根在圣洁与污秽共存的
From what tooth or claw does murder spring 那谋杀春天的爪牙里
From what flesh and blood does passion? 那愤怒与情欲的血肉里
Both cut through the air with the pendulum's swing 两者都在钟摆的晃动里用冷酷且
In deadly but delicate fashion 精美的手法割裂空气
And every range of feeling is there in the dream 所有的知觉的感受犹圄梦中
And every logic's reeling in the force of the scream 所有逻辑的挣扎如沐惊恐
The senses sting 这切肤刺痛
And though I may be dreaming and reality stalls (让我)或许只能在梦中徘徊,摧残现实的花朵
I only know the meaning of sight and that's all 我只知道我眼前景象的含义,它们便是所有
And that's nothing 却又从属虚无
The columns of the night advance 那黑夜的纵队庄重行进
Infectiously, their cryptic dance 他们那深藏着秘密的舞蹈
Gathers converts to the fold - 吸引着皈依者们加入行列
In time the whole raw world will pace these same steps 不久后整个原始的世界便会踏着同样的步伐
On into the same bitter end 迈向那不变的痛苦的结局
Somnolent muster - now the dancing dead 催眠的检阅-如今舞蹈已然逝去
Forsake the shelter of their secure beds 只得舍弃他们温床般的庇所
Awaken to a slumber whose depths they dread 意识到那麻木之人多么低俗至人生畏
As if the ground they tread would give way 就像他们脚下的土地会被踩垮一般
Beneath the solemn weight of their conception 在那冷峻切严肃的观念重量之下
I'd search the hidden corners of all this world 我愿探索这世界的每个角落
Make reason of the sensory whorl 找到所有那感官漩涡的由来与脉络
If I only had time 只要我有无穷的时间
But soon the dream is ended 但很快我的梦便完结
Tonight, before you lay down to the sweetness of your sleep 今夜,在你躺进美梦的睡眠之前
Do you question your surrender to the drop from Lover's Leap 你会探问自己会否缴械于恋人的怀抱
Or does the anaesthetic darkness take hold on its very own? 或者于那令人麻醉的黑暗,让其夺去你的意志吗?
Does your body rise in service with not one dissenting groan? 又或你的躯体会在无意义的呼喊呻吟中漂浮无定所吗?
These waking dreams of life and death 这些关于生与死的清醒的梦
In the mirror are twisted and buckled 都在镜中扭曲变形
Lashes flicker, a catch of breath 鞭绳闪过,缓一口气
Skin whitening at the knuckles 关节处的皮肤失去血色
The army of sleepwalkers shake their limbs and are loose 这梦游者的军队摇摆着肢臂并伸展开来
And though I am a talker, I can phrase no excuse 即便我是游吟者,我也一时语塞
Not to rise again 并不想在发出声响
In the chorus of the night-time I belong 在这我所属的黑夜之合唱
And I, like you, must dance to that moonlight song 然而你我都一样,必须为那月光献歌载舞
And in the end I, too, must pay the cost of this life 然而到最后我,也必将偿还我生命之消耗
If all is lost none is known 如果所有都会被忘记,没人将被记得
And how could we lose what we've never owned? 如果我们不曾拥有又何谈失去?
Oh, I'd search out every knowledge that I could find 噢,我愿探索我能找到的任何知识
Unravel all the mysteries of mind 弄清那些思想里的神秘
If I only had time 只要我有无穷的时间
If I only had time 只要我有无穷的时间
But soon my time is ended 但很快我的梦便完结