【Rock】Purple Mountains | 在叙述中自我救赎 | Purple Mountains
艺术家 | Purple Mountains
专辑 | Purple Mountains
发行日期 | 2019-7-12
风格 | Rock
发行 | Drag City
评分 | 9.1/10
Cuts | 《That’s Just The Way I Feel》
《Darkness and Cold》
《I Loved Being My Mother's Son》
《Storyline Fever》
谈到Purple Mountains其实不得不谈到一个人——David Berman,1967年出生于弗吉尼亚州东南部的威廉斯堡的诗人、漫画家和音乐人。他的父亲,是一位军事武器、酒精等许多饱受争议的工业项目的狂热支持者。
David Berman和另外两个小伙伴建立了Silver Jews乐队并为人所知,获得了很大成功。那时的他是惠特尼美国艺术博物馆的一名安保人员,这样的工作环境对他的影响很大,他也从中学到了很多东西。
2009年,他宣布将从音乐制作“退休”,并进行最后一场演出。在演出的最后,他说“I always said we would stop before we got bad.”
同一天,他表示Richard Berman是他的父亲,并表示他们已经从2006年开始就逐渐疏远——他不希望他的父亲继续做枪支、酒精、破坏团结的支持者,而他的父亲拒绝了,之后他们就没有再说过话了。他称他的父亲为“evil” ”human molester” ”exploiter” “scoundrel” “a world historical motherfucking son of bitch”。
而今年,2019,时隔十年我们看到了他以Purple Mountains再度出现。
这期间他经历了好朋友Dave Cloud的离世,从而将自己的中间名该做Cloud以纪念他。也经历了和妻子Cassie Berman的离婚,”as a slow process with ‘no inciting incident’”。个人的生活一团糟糕和悲剧,母亲又离世……这一切的一切,都倾注在这张《Purple Mountains》。
在叙述这一切的过程中,他是痛苦的、悲剧的。正如他在开场曲“That’s Just The Way I Feel”中叙述的一样——“I don't like talkin' to myself”, “And as the pace of life keeps quickening / Beneath the bitching and the bickering / When I try to drown my thoughts in gin / I find my worst ideas know how to swim”而这张专辑都是在“talkin' to myself”
他在自述,他在寻找一些解释——“things have not been going well / This time I think I finally fucked myself / You see, the life I live is sickening / I spent a decade playing chicken with oblivion / Day to day, I'm neck and neck with giving in / I'm the same old wreck I've always been”
而对于他来说,痛苦和苦难,darkness and cold,只能通过歌,去改变,去释怀,去试图成长。
他在用大量的篇幅,把自己的婚姻破裂归功于他的伴侣Cassie,并借此试图缓解自己的痛苦——时不时地,在专辑前半段的某处,你就会看到类似“And when I see her in the park / It barely merits a remark / How we stand the standard distance / Distant strangers stand apart“ 或是“The light of my life is going out tonight / With someone she just met / She kept it burning longer than I had right to expect / The light of my life is going out tonight / Without a flicker of regret” 或是 直接的歌名——《She’s Making Friends, I’m Turning Stranger》
这一切在《I Loved Being My Mother’s Son》开始了改变。对于Berman来说,最重要的也许正是他的母亲,他在一次采访中这样说到——“I don’t have religion or culture. I don’t have anything I can believe in when I’m really scared. When I play the songs, I feel the fear disappear.”“我没有任何宗教信仰或文化,我没有任何可以在我真正恐惧的时候所依赖和相信的东西。当我播放这些歌,我感到恐惧消失了。”。这让这首歌温柔而诚实。一直到接下来的《Nights That Won’t Happen》——仿佛进入了某种冥想,或是生者与死亡的对话,那是种戏谑的,黑色幽默的形容死亡的方式“This world is like a roadside inn and we're the guests inside / And death is a black camel that kneels down so we can ride”,以及试图释然的自我劝慰——“All the suffering gets done by the ones we leave behind”。
而紧接着,是某种真正的释怀——《Storyline Fever》的节奏欢快了起来,用某种暗喻的方式逐渐自我剖析与自我接受,随后迎来彻底的释然与成长,或者叫做自我救赎——《Maybe I’m The Only One For Me》,这应该说是达成某种自我和谐或是和解——“I'll put my dreams high on a shelf / I'll have to learn to like myself / Yeah, maybe I'm the only one for me”
“For a long time, I've struggled very, very much with what people call treatment-resistant depression. It never goes away from me and I'm surprised I've made it this far, really, in life. There were probably 100 nights over the last 10 years where I was sure I wouldn't make it to the morning. Yeah, I'm a very depressed person. I felt even worse about myself as time went on and I wasn't doing anything. I do feel better now, having completed this project.”
通过《Purple Mountains》,他开始了自我接受,并建立了一种全新的声音,这不仅仅是一个总结,更是一个漂亮的开始。
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