
看到卡彭特CLOSE TO YOU的时候,熟悉的旋律还是恍惚了,回家翻出了那张精选CD,打开电脑,在旋律中等待八十年代的时光重来。红的发紫的是“YESTERDAY ONCE MORE”“TOP OF THE WORLD”,还有熟悉的“RAINY DAYS AND MONDAYS”“TICKET TO RIDE”,难以用语言来形容的“THOSE GOOD OLD DREAMS”“PLEASE MR POSTMAN”,“JAMBALAYA(ON THE BAYOU)”等等。不知打动了多少生于七十年代里的卡彭特听众,她恬静而温暖的声音,她的歌虽不象中午的阳光般炽热,虽没有什么玄之又玄的神秘,但你能感应到那仿佛夜晚的月光才有的那份温柔明亮,照耀着每一个不再孤独的人。当她的美妙如微风一样的歌声滑翔在蔚蓝的童年天空下,每一句每一段你都会静下心慢慢的聆听,悠然简单的配器,以及那个年代的坦诚真挚,无一不浓缩在她的纯净透明的歌声里。
还是不该问你是否忘记,只怪我依然记得,就象那些昨日活在眼前。1969年11月15日,首张专辑《CLOSE TO YOU》发行。从此以后,卡彭特兄妹演唱组影响了一代人。
why do birds suddenly appear
every time you are near?
just like me, they long to be
close to you.
why do stars fall down from the sky
every time you walk by?
just like me, they long to be
close to you.
on the day that you were born
the angels got together
and decided to create a dream come true
so they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold
and starlight in your eyes of blue.
that is why all the girls in town
follow you all around.
just like me, they long to be
close to you.
on the day that you were born
the angels got together
and decided to create a dream come true
so they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold
and starlight in your eyes of blue.
that is why all the girls in town
follow you all around.
just like me, they long to be
close to you.
just like me (just like me)
they long to be
close to you.
wahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you.
wahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you.
hahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you.
lahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you.
看到卡彭特CLOSE TO YOU的时候,熟悉的旋律还是恍惚了,回家翻出了那张精选CD,打开电脑,在旋律中等待八十年代的时光重来。红的发紫的是“YESTERDAY ONCE MORE”“TOP OF THE WORLD”,还有熟悉的“RAINY DAYS AND MONDAYS”“TICKET TO RIDE”,难以用语言来形容的“THOSE GOOD OLD DREAMS”“PLEASE MR POSTMAN”,“JAMBALAYA(ON THE BAYOU)”等等。不知打动了多少生于七十年代里的卡彭特听众,她恬静而温暖的声音,她的歌虽不象中午的阳光般炽热,虽没有什么玄之又玄的神秘,但你能感应到那仿佛夜晚的月光才有的那份温柔明亮,照耀着每一个不再孤独的人。当她的美妙如微风一样的歌声滑翔在蔚蓝的童年天空下,每一句每一段你都会静下心慢慢的聆听,悠然简单的配器,以及那个年代的坦诚真挚,无一不浓缩在她的纯净透明的歌声里。
还是不该问你是否忘记,只怪我依然记得,就象那些昨日活在眼前。1969年11月15日,首张专辑《CLOSE TO YOU》发行。从此以后,卡彭特兄妹演唱组影响了一代人。
why do birds suddenly appear
every time you are near?
just like me, they long to be
close to you.
why do stars fall down from the sky
every time you walk by?
just like me, they long to be
close to you.
on the day that you were born
the angels got together
and decided to create a dream come true
so they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold
and starlight in your eyes of blue.
that is why all the girls in town
follow you all around.
just like me, they long to be
close to you.
on the day that you were born
the angels got together
and decided to create a dream come true
so they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold
and starlight in your eyes of blue.
that is why all the girls in town
follow you all around.
just like me, they long to be
close to you.
just like me (just like me)
they long to be
close to you.
wahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you.
wahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you.
hahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you.
lahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you.