“ 不知道自己曾经经历过的事是否能够填满一张空白cd.但对于Eels而言,至少需要整整2张cd才能容纳下他那满溢的回忆.
第一首<Theme From Blinking Lights>,在Everett(Eels乐队的核心和主唱)随意的哼唱中,回忆也随之展开。
<Sucide Life>让人不禁想到Everett的姐姐,她在1996年自杀身亡,
<in the yard, behind the church>是他童年居住的地方。
而<Railroad Man>则多少和他童年时的一段经历有关---Everett曾经坐火车穿越美洲.
在<Ugly love>中,当Everett唱出"Dear Cousin, I got your letter .It's more than I thought I deserve.She sounds perfect, all I dream of .And I dream about so much it is absurd..... My kind of love is an ugly love .But it's real and it lasts a long long time "的时候,让人不禁感到一丝悲伤.2001年9月11日,Everett的堂妹Jennifer搭乘了那架撞向五角大楼的飞机中... ...
在经历了一系列不愉快的回忆之后,Everett在<Things The Grandchildren Should Know>中这样诉说:So in the end I'd like to say ,That I'm a very thankful man. I try to make the most of my situations,And enjoy what I have. I knew true love and I knew passion, And the difference between the two. I have some regrets but if I had to do it all again. Well, it's something I'd like to do ."就像所有的电影结局一样,生活还是充满期待的.”
<Things The Grandchildren Should Know>中有一段歌词也很喜欢
I don't leave the house much
I don't like being around people
Makes me nervous and weird
I don't like going to shows, either
It's better for me to stay home
Some might think it means I hate people
But that's not quite right
I do some stupid things
But my heart's in the right place......
不得不提一下,专辑封面的那个女孩就是Everett母亲童年时的样子.她在1998年死于癌症.十九岁那年,E痛失了他的著名量子科学家父亲Hugh Everett III, Hugh Everett曾被《美国科学人》杂志称为“20世纪最重要的科学家之一”。作为一名声名显赫的量子物理学家,他的著作《多世界理论》曾激发了许多人的灵感创作出了和“平行宇宙”观念有关的众多科幻小说、电影和星际旅行史诗篇章。十几岁时的everett就与爱因斯坦互相通信,争辩着宇宙到底是随机的产物还是和谐统一的衍生物。 成年之后,hugh everett和他的妻子定居在弗吉尼亚附近。 他们有了一个叫作elizabeth ann的女儿,和一个叫作mark oliver everett的儿子,也就是我们eels的主唱。
第一首<Theme From Blinking Lights>,在Everett(Eels乐队的核心和主唱)随意的哼唱中,回忆也随之展开。
<Sucide Life>让人不禁想到Everett的姐姐,她在1996年自杀身亡,
<in the yard, behind the church>是他童年居住的地方。
而<Railroad Man>则多少和他童年时的一段经历有关---Everett曾经坐火车穿越美洲.
在<Ugly love>中,当Everett唱出"Dear Cousin, I got your letter .It's more than I thought I deserve.She sounds perfect, all I dream of .And I dream about so much it is absurd..... My kind of love is an ugly love .But it's real and it lasts a long long time "的时候,让人不禁感到一丝悲伤.2001年9月11日,Everett的堂妹Jennifer搭乘了那架撞向五角大楼的飞机中... ...
在经历了一系列不愉快的回忆之后,Everett在<Things The Grandchildren Should Know>中这样诉说:So in the end I'd like to say ,That I'm a very thankful man. I try to make the most of my situations,And enjoy what I have. I knew true love and I knew passion, And the difference between the two. I have some regrets but if I had to do it all again. Well, it's something I'd like to do ."就像所有的电影结局一样,生活还是充满期待的.”
<Things The Grandchildren Should Know>中有一段歌词也很喜欢
I don't leave the house much
I don't like being around people
Makes me nervous and weird
I don't like going to shows, either
It's better for me to stay home
Some might think it means I hate people
But that's not quite right
I do some stupid things
But my heart's in the right place......
不得不提一下,专辑封面的那个女孩就是Everett母亲童年时的样子.她在1998年死于癌症.十九岁那年,E痛失了他的著名量子科学家父亲Hugh Everett III, Hugh Everett曾被《美国科学人》杂志称为“20世纪最重要的科学家之一”。作为一名声名显赫的量子物理学家,他的著作《多世界理论》曾激发了许多人的灵感创作出了和“平行宇宙”观念有关的众多科幻小说、电影和星际旅行史诗篇章。十几岁时的everett就与爱因斯坦互相通信,争辩着宇宙到底是随机的产物还是和谐统一的衍生物。 成年之后,hugh everett和他的妻子定居在弗吉尼亚附近。 他们有了一个叫作elizabeth ann的女儿,和一个叫作mark oliver everett的儿子,也就是我们eels的主唱。