
《 At The End Of A Perfect Day 完美的一天结束时》歌词翻译
Chris de Burgh(个人介绍)发行于1977年的第三张专辑,风格与上张大作有显著改变。词作方面,不同于上张《西班牙火车及其他故事》般锐利的叙事长篇,代之以清新的小诗,但动人处时有显现,如《A Rainy Night In Paris 巴黎的雨夜》幽怨的氛围似是经典默片的某些场景;《I WILL 我会》的主角对孤岛生活的向往让人联想起毛姆小说的情节;《Discovery 探索》从哥伦布航海放眼至人类的太空之旅,以起伏汹涌的音乐篇章,讴歌壮丽的探索历程;《 A Country Churchyard (Let Your Love Shine On) 在一个乡村教堂庭院(让你的爱闪耀)》是表达岁月沧桑、物是人非的黯然伤神之歌。为配合词曲的意境,配乐不再是前两张浓墨重彩的艺术摇滚风格,向轻盈简洁转变。
These broken wings can take me no further 这对破碎之翼无法载我前行 I'm lost, and out at sea, 我已迷失于海上 I thought these wings would hold me forever 曾以为这翼能支撑我 And on to eternity, 直到永恒 And far away I can hear your voice, 清晨的静谧中 I can hear it in the silence of the morning, 远远地我听见你声音 But these broken wings have let me down 但破碎之翼让我失去力量 They can't even carry me home. 他们甚至无法带我回家
In broken dreams that keep me from sleeping 破碎的梦让我无法入眠 I remember all the things I said, 我记起了曾说过的每句话 Well I've broken all the promises 我已经打破了所有 I said I would be keeping, 许下的承诺 They're gone, like leaves they fell, 诺言飘零,似风中落叶 For it's so hard when you're far away, 那是因为你离我太遥远了 All I needed was a shoulder I could cry on, 我需要的只是一个可依靠的肩膀 Now these broken dreams have woken me, 如今那些破碎的梦醒悟了我 My love, will you carry me home. 吾爱,你能带我回家吗
Or will you treat me like some traveler 或许你会如对旅人般待我 On a dark and lonely road, 在这条黑暗而孤独的路上 Who sees a light and a woman who will give him love, 谁望见了灯光和一个会给予爱的女人 Oh and just when she reaches the part 而当她迎上前 When she's supposed to comfort his broken heart 试图安慰那颗破碎的心时 She turns away, and sends him traveling on, on, 她又转过身去,令他继续上路
Oh when I left I believed that nothing would go wrong 当我离开时我确信一切并没错 I thought the whole world would be waiting for my story, 我想整个世界都在期待我的故事 Take me back, my love, I need you now, 带我回去,吾爱,如今我需要你 Come back and carry me home, 回来,带我回家 Take me back and heal theses broken wings, 带我回去,愈合这对破碎之翼 Come back and carry me home. 回来,带我回家
Ooh, give me freedom and light, give me reason and right 给我自由和光明,给我理性和公义 All I need's a little time to get by, 我只需一点时间去适应 Turn my face to the wind, hear the nightingale sing 将我的脸转向风中,听夜莺歌唱 And wonder at the stars in the sky, 惊惑于天上的星辰
So many things I don't know, so many ways I won't go, 那么多未知的事,那么多未走的路 So many secrets that will never be found, 那么多未曾发现的秘密 But as long as you're with me with loving to give me 如同你长久以来爱我陪伴我 We can watch the world going round... 我们能静观世间的流转
Ooh, around and around and around and around 转啊转啊转啊转 Everything in the world goes around, 万物皆在流转中 Yes around and around and around and around 转啊转啊转啊转 And around, everything goes around... 转啊,万物在流转 From the moment of birth till you go back to the earth, 从诞生的那刻到你回归大地的那天 Your life is like a circle of gold, 你的人生像金色之环 And everything you begin, every song that you sing, 你的每一个缘起,你唱的每一首歌 Sooner or later must go... 终究会消逝……
Another time, another place, another life, another face, 另一个时空,另一场人生,另一张脸孔 Oh my love I know I'll see you again, 我的爱,我知道能再见到你 And the circle that starts with the beat of your heart 以你的心跳开启的循环 Takes you back to the beginning again... 会带你回到最初…… Oh around and around... 转啊转 Everything in the world goes around, 万物皆在流转中 Oh around and around... 转啊转 Everything goes around, 万物在流转 Yes around and around... 转啊转 Oh around and around... 转啊转 Everything in the world goes around... 万物皆在流转中 Round and around, round and around, round and around... 转啊转啊转啊转……
03.I WILL 我会
I'm going to an island 我去往一个岛屿 Where the sun will always shine, 那儿阳光永远灿烂 Where the moon is always riding on the sea; 那儿明月永升海上 And when I go I'll leave behind 去时我会将所有羁绊 These chains that hold me down, 抛诸身后 The time has come to set my spirit free, 是时候让心灵解放了 Ah ah ... I will 啊……我会的
And there beside a mountain stream 在那山间的溪流旁 I'll build a house of stone, 我会建一座石头房 And work the wood of cedar, pine and fir, 种下杉木、松树和冷杉 And then I'll make a garden 我会造一个花园 And I'll plant a field of corn 种下一片庄稼 Press my hands deep into Mother Earth, 将我双手深深探入大地的怀抱 Ah, Ah... I will, 啊……我会的 Yes I will, 是的我会 Oh I will, 我会 Just to be a part of Nature once again, 只愿再与自然合一 I want to be a part of Nature once again, 我愿再与自然合一 And I will... 我会……
And then I'll teach my children love 然后我教会孩子爱 Like every father should, 像每个父亲该做的 For we are part of every living thing, 因为我们是一体的生命 And speak of half-forgotten words 说着快被遗忘的词汇 Like Peace and Joy and Good, 和平、欢乐、善良 For the world can only live when love can sing, 当爱能唱响,世界才生机 Ah, Ah... I will, 啊……我会的 Oh, yes I will, 是的我会 I will, 我会 And they will be a part of Nature once again, 他们将与自然合一 Oh they will feel a part of Nature once again, 他们将感受与自然的合一 The time is now, 就在此刻 Just to be a part of Nature once again, 再与自然合一 And I will, ah ah, someday I will, (someday I will) 我会,有一天我会
04.Summer Rain 夏天的雨
Old man walking by the sea is dreaming, 漫步海边的老人做着梦 Dreaming of the days when he was young, 梦见他的年轻岁月 Hand in hand, a little boy beside him, 手牵着手,一个小男孩在身旁 Hearing about the weekends under the sun... 在阳光下谈起周末 "Ah most of all I remember, 我记得最多的是 A little song we used to play, 一首我们弹过的小曲 It was about the english weather, 关于英国的天气 Always raining on a sunny day, and it went 总是不时下起的太阳雨
Ah la la la, summer rain is pouring down again, 哗啦啦,夏天的雨倾盆而下 And it's getting wetter, 天气变得多雨 As a matter of fact it couldn't be better, 但对宝贝和我来说,那是最好不过 For baby and me, sitting on my knees, (with baby on my knee) 坐我膝上,(宝贝坐我膝上) Ah la la la, summer rain is falling down, 哗啦啦,夏天的雨落在 On my umbrella above me, 我的伞上 The very first time she said she loved me, 第一次她告诉我她爱我 Was in the summer rain, and it's fine with me... 就在夏天的雨中,幸福的我…… Walking with your great-grandfather's daughter, 和你太爷爷的女儿走在一起 Somehow we were always late for tea, 我俩老是错过午茶 And small boys making mischief in the water, 小男孩在水中捣蛋 Watching deck-chairs floating away out to sea, 眼看着躺椅漂出了海 Ah but now the memory's fading, 如今记忆已褪色 How the past just slips away, 往事悄然走远 But every time that it starts raining, 但每次下雨时分 I can hear the band begin to play, 总能听见乐队在我耳边奏响
Ah la la la, summer rain is pouring down again, 哗啦啦,夏天的雨倾盆而下 And it's getting wetter, 天气变得多雨 As a matter of fact it couldn't be better, 但对宝贝和我来说,那是最好不过 For baby and me, sitting on my knees, (with baby on my knee) 坐我膝上,(宝贝坐我膝上) Ah la la la, summer rain is falling down, 哗啦啦,夏天的雨落在 On my umbrella above me, (above me) 我的伞上 The very first time she said she loved me, 第一次她告诉我她爱我 Was in the summer rain, and it's fine with me, me, la la la 就在夏天的雨中,幸福的我…… Summer rain is fine with me... 夏天的雨与幸福的我……
Ah la la la, summer rain is pouring down again, 哗啦啦,夏天的雨倾盆而下 And it's getting wetter, 天气变得多雨 As a matter of fact it couldn't be better, 但对宝贝和我来说,那是最好不过 For baby and me, sitting on my knees, (with baby on my knee) 坐我膝上,(宝贝坐我膝上) Ah la la la ..." 啦啦啦……”
05.Discovery 探索
Lady love, go back to sleep, 女人,回去睡吧 Dry the tears from your eyes, 擦干你眼中的泪 But I cannot stay with thee, 今早以后 Until the morning, 我就不能与你再厮守 For the dawn is breaking, 天色已破晓 And my ship is waiting for me, 我的船正等候 And I must go, 我必须动身了 But I'll be back, yes, 但我会回来 Before this year is over; 在这个年末
And we sailed across the sea, 我们穿越大洋 Till we found America, 直到发现美洲 'Round the Cape of Storms, 绕过风暴角 We set our sails for home, 我们启航回家 And when the sea was roaring, 当大海咆哮 And the Lord I called, 我呼唤上帝 To help my drowning men, 救救我那些快被淹死的船员时 I saw the light, yes, the candle in your window... 我看到了光,你窗前的烛光……
And I have brought you silver, 我带了银子给你 And I have brought you gold, 带了金子给你 And spices from the Indies in the hold; 还有货舱中来自印度的香料 I've seen ships on the horizon, 我见过地平线上的船只 That I'd swear were going down, 真的在下降消失 And now I know for certain, 如今我已确信 The world is round, 世界是圆的 I have seen, my eyes have seen. 我已见证,我已亲眼见证
Oh, one day says Galileo, 哦,有一天…伽利略说过 A man will reach the sky, 有人会飞上天空 And see the world completely, 从苍穹之外 From outside, 看整个世界 And gazing down from yonder, 从远处俯视 On a world of blue and green, 一个蓝色和绿色的地球 He'll say with eyes of wonder, 目眩神迷中他说: I have seen, I have seen, 我已见证,我已见证 My eyes have seen. 我已亲眼见证
06.Brazil 巴西
Ooh, next time I see you, I'll be singing in Brazil, 下一次见你,我正在巴西歌唱 Misty land of music where the feet are never still, 双脚永远停不下来的神秘音乐国度 And pretty senhoritas dressed up for the kill, 美丽的女士盛装出现 They'll be glad that you're coming to Brazil, yeah, me too, 她们欢迎你来到巴西,耶,我也 So glad that you're coming to Brazil... 很欢迎你来到巴西……
Ooh, next thing you know you're out here dancing in the streets, 下一件事是你在街上和人们欢歌曼舞 Working with the people on that Boss-a-Nova beat, 合着巴莎诺瓦的节奏 And some dark-eyed lady brings you wine and a chicken wing, 黑眼睛的女士们给你酒和鸡翅 In Brazil where the Carnival is king, yes, 在巴西嘉年华永远是王道 Brazil where the Carnival is king, everbody's singing, Ah la la Brazil, 在巴西嘉年华永远是王道,所有人都在欢歌,啊啦啦,巴西 Ah la la Brazil, 啊啦啦,巴西 Ah la la Brazil, 啊啦啦,巴西 Ah la la Brazil, Ooh, Rio de Janeiro is the kind of place for me, 啊啦啦,巴西,里约热内卢最适合我不过 Dancing in the moonlight, making love down by the sea, 月下起舞,海边做爱 From Copacabana to the Corcovado hill, 从科帕卡巴纳海滩到科尔科瓦杜山 Everybody's always singing in Brazil, 在巴西所有人都在欢歌 Yeah, everybody's, ooh singing, in Brazil, 所有人都在欢歌,在巴西 All together now... Ah la la Brazil... 一起来,啊啦啦,巴西
Cancao du Brazil... (Song of Brazil) (巴西的歌) Tudo beum Brazil... (All's well in Brazil) (巴西真是棒) Ah la la Brazil...
07.In A Country Churchyard (Let Your Love Shine On) 在一个乡村教堂庭院(让你的爱闪耀)
In a country churchyard there's a preacher with his people, 在一个乡村教堂庭院,牧师和一群人 Gathered all around to join a man and woman, 聚集着,为一个男人和一个女人 Spring is here and turtledoves are singing from the steeple, 满眼春色,斑鸠在尖顶上鸣唱 Bees are in the flowers, growing in the graveyard, 墓园里鲜花盛开,蜜蜂飞舞 And over the hill, where the river meets the mill, 青山遥遥,小河流过磨坊 A lovely girl is coming down, 一位可爱的女孩走过来 To give her hand upon her wedding day... 为她的婚礼捧上双手……
Dressed in simple white and wearing flowers in her hair, 一身纯白,头上插朵小花 Music as she walks slowly to the altar, 音乐伴着她缓步走向圣坛 And picking up his bible then the preacher turns towards her, 牧师举起圣经朝向她: "Will you take this man to be your wedded husband, “你愿意让此人成为你的丈夫吗, to honour and love in the eyes of God above, 以上帝眼中的荣誉与爱为证 Now let the people sing with me, 请大家跟我一起唱 These words to live forever in your heart... 这番话将永存你心中……
Let your love shine on, 让你的爱闪耀 For we are the stars in the sky, 因我们都是天上的星辰 Let your love shine strong, 让你的爱闪耀光芒 Until the day you fly away" 一直到你离去的那天”
Many years have fallen on that golden country morning, 时光荏苒后一个金色的乡村之晨 The graveyard's overgrown, the church lies in ruins, 墓园野草丛生,教堂埋于废墟 Ivy on the walls and ravens wheeling round above me, 青藤蔓墙,渡鸦在头顶盘旋 As I made my way towards the last remaining headstone, 我寻路走向那块仅剩的墓碑 I fell to my knees, read the lines beneath the leaves, 跪下双膝,从落叶底下辨认那字迹 And suddenly it seemed to me, 突然间我又依稀 I heard the words like singing in the trees... 听到那番话似林中在歌唱……
Let your love shine on, 让你的爱闪耀 For we are the stars in the sky, 因我们都是天上的星辰 Let your love shine strong, 让你的爱闪耀光芒 Until the day you fly... 一直到你去的那天…… Let your love shine on, 让你的爱闪耀 For we are the stars in the sky, 因我们都是天上的星辰 Let your love shine strong, 让你的爱闪耀光芒 Until the day you fly away... 一直到你离去的那天……
08.A Rainy Night In Paris 巴黎的雨夜
It's a rainy night in Paris, 这是巴黎的雨夜 And the harbour lights are low, 港口灯火明灭 He must leave his love in Paris, 他必须告别巴黎的爱人 Before the winter snow; 在冬天雪落前
On a lonely street in Paris, 在巴黎幽静的街上 He held her close to say, 他拥着她说: "We'll meet again in Paris, “我们会重聚于巴黎, When there are flowers on the Champs-Elysees..." 当香榭丽舍大道上花开时……” "How long" she said "How long, “多久?”她说,“多久, And will your love be strong, 你的爱够坚强吗? When you're across the sea, 当你航行于海上 Will your heart remember me?..." 你的心还会牢记我吗?……” Then she gave him words to turn to, 于是她叮嘱了他几句 When the winter nights were long, 当冬夜如此漫长 "Nous serons encore amoureux, Avec les couleurs de printemps..." (法语) "And then" she said "And then, “那时,”她说,“那时, Our love will grow again," 我们的爱会重生。” Ah but in her eyes he sees, 但从她眼中他觉察到 Her words of love are only words to please... 她的爱语只是为了取悦……
And now the lights of Paris, 如今巴黎的灯火 Grow dim and fade away 已阑珊 And I know by the lights of Paris, 倚着巴黎的灯火 I will never see her again... 我知道再也见不到她了……
09.If You Really Love Her, Let Her Go 如果你真的爱她,放她走
Please give me one more chance, 请再给我一次机会 I'm begging you, just one more chance, 求你,只一次 If you'll listen... 你听我说 This is not some movie romance, 这不是某些浪漫电影 Or everlasting love at a glance, 也非一见钟情 Won't you listen... 请听我说 She is a part of me now, 她已成为我的一部分 She's the very heart of me now, so... 她是我心中重要的部分 If you really love her, let her go. 如果你真的爱她,放她走
She's your daughter and I know that you care, 她是你女人,我知道你关心她 But like a lost bird in the cold night air, She is lonely... 但像一只迷失于寒夜的孤鸟,她很寂寞 Thinking back to the days you were young, 想想你自己的年轻时光 When the pain of loving was so very strong, 当爱之痛如此强烈 Weren't you lonely? 你难道不寂寞吗? She is no longer a child, 她不再是孩子 She's a woman with love in her eyes, so... 她是个眼中藏着爱的女人 If you really love her, let her go. 如果你真的爱她,放她走
Oh she is like a bird, 她像一只鸟 Yearning for the winter wind, 盼望着冬季的风 If you let her go, 如果你放她走 She'll come again in springtime, 她会在春天回来 But if you make her stay, 如果你让她待着 And hold her freedom in your hand, 将她的自由掌握于手 In the morning you will wake, 当你明朝醒来 And she'll be gone away... 会发现她已飞走 She is no longer a child, 她不再是孩子 She's a woman with my love in her eyes, so... 她是个眼中藏着爱的女人 If you really love her, let her go, 如果你真的爱她,放她走 If you really love her, let her go, 如果你真的爱她,放她走 If you really love her, let her go... 如果你真的爱她,放她走
10.Perfect Day 完美的一天
Oh Lord, I'm tired, it's time to go to bed, 哦上帝,我累了,该上床睡觉 Way, after midnight, and the wine's gone to my head, 已过午夜,酒精冲进我头脑 Lying here upon the shore just listening to the waves, 躺于岸上唯闻波涛起伏 And it's been a perfect day. 这是个完美的一天
Packed up a picnic and set off for the sea, 收拾完野餐向大海出发 Taking all the back roads where no-one else would be, 逛遍了所有没人走过的小路 My and you and Paul and Sue, 你和我和保罗还有苏 How we laughed the time away, 在欢笑中打发了时光 And we had a perfect day. 我们拥有了完美的一天
I brought along my old guitar, 我带来我的老吉他 And lying there beneath the stars, 躺在星空下 We sang all the Beatle songs we knew, 我们唱完了所知道的每一首披头士的歌 Lord you should have heard those harmonies, 上帝你肯定听过那些和声 When we did Nowhere Man and Let It Be... 当我们唱Nowhere Man和Let It Be时…… My love, if we should break up, 我的爱,如果我们分离 Should we ever part, 永不再相见 And you're searching for some memory, 当你搜寻记忆 To help your aching heart, 以安慰疼痛的心时 Forget about the hurtful things, 如情侣们常说的 That lovers often say, 忘却那些伤痛吧 And remember this perfect day. 记住这完美的一天
Then people start coming around the fire, 人们开始围拢到火旁 And I was strumming at my old guitar, 我拨弄我的老吉他 Trying to think of something everybody knew, 试图找点大家都熟悉的 And then you said "though it's far away, 你说:“尽管还早, A Christmas song would really make my day." 但圣诞歌曲真的适合我这一天。” And everbody sang... 于是大家唱起……
And all I really want to do, 而我真正想做的 Is sing songs for you, 是为你而歌唱 Then it's been a perfect day, 那就是个完美的一天 Yes it's been a perfect day. 是的,这是个完美的一天