Legends of the music
最喜欢的一支是"The Ludlows (Twilight and Mist)".
It opens with the "Twilight and Mist" tune (played by solo piano on the soundtrack); followed by "The Ludlows" tune (string orchestra entrance on soundtrack); followed by "Legends of the Fall" tune (full orchestra portion on soundtrack) and ends with "Twilight and Mist" tune (played by solo violin and piano on soundtrack).
经历生离死别,爱恨情仇,沧桑变换,镜头又一次慢慢扫过三兄弟合影的旧相片。他们那时相偎相依,阳光般的笑容,青春肆意。流水般的提琴声再度吟唱,曲曲绕饶,如叙事诗般讲述这秋日里的传奇: 逝去的,悔恨的,忌妒的,痛苦的,不羁的,甜蜜的,迷离的,狂野的,挣扎的。。。
It opens with the "Twilight and Mist" tune (played by solo piano on the soundtrack); followed by "The Ludlows" tune (string orchestra entrance on soundtrack); followed by "Legends of the Fall" tune (full orchestra portion on soundtrack) and ends with "Twilight and Mist" tune (played by solo violin and piano on soundtrack).
经历生离死别,爱恨情仇,沧桑变换,镜头又一次慢慢扫过三兄弟合影的旧相片。他们那时相偎相依,阳光般的笑容,青春肆意。流水般的提琴声再度吟唱,曲曲绕饶,如叙事诗般讲述这秋日里的传奇: 逝去的,悔恨的,忌妒的,痛苦的,不羁的,甜蜜的,迷离的,狂野的,挣扎的。。。