浅谈Ball and chain
比起Move over,Piece of my heart,Cry Baby等,Ball and chain显然更有资格在Janis的经典里稳坐第二的位置,甚至去和Me and Bobby McGee碰面: 近十分钟的迷幻史诗在这里一气呵成,Janis暗哑的假声、支离破碎的颤音和酸涩质感金属光泽的电吉他融在一起,如同闪电划过黑暗。 这还是Janis Joplin最惊天地泣鬼神的一次vocal performance,开场的低音已经暗藏汹涌,而撕心裂肺的呐喊是对Ball and chain最好的点题——链球,是矛盾,是束缚,是挣扎,更是对爱的病态渴求。 还有数个版本的现场加持,每一个版本都可一不可再。当初在蒙特利音乐节,Janis Joplin在舞台上凭着这首歌,在一众惊讶到难以置信的呼声里横空出世。 而我选的这个Live版本是被收录进她的12曲精选的版本,时常8:01,在这个live的后半段里,她的即兴吟唱式的speech,与现场狂热互动的观众一共构成了这一天时地利的瞬间,也直接升华了这首歌——这些如同人生信条一般的即兴演说,让她从对爱的呼唤渴求里抽身出来,如同上帝一般的俯视众生。现在来看,这首歌不仅是当时嬉皮士运动的一个浓缩,更是Janis Joplin一生的写照。 以下为她再后半段即兴的内容: Honey, when everybody in the world wants the same damn thing, When everybody in the world, who needs the same lone thing, When I wanna work for your love daddy,When I wanna try for you love daddy, I don't understand, how come, your gone, man, I don't understand why half the world is still crying, man, When the other half the world is still crying too, man, I mean, if you gotta care for one day, man,Say, maybe, you wanna care for 365 days, right? You ain't got it for 365 days, man, You got it for one day, man, Well, I'll tell you that one day, man, better be your life, man, Because you know, you can say"Oh man, you can cry about the other 364", But your gonna lose that one day, man, And that's all you got, You gotta call that love, man, That's what it is, If you got it today, you don't wear it tomorrow', Cause you don't need it, As a matter of fact, as we discovered on the train, Tomorrow never happens, It's all the same fuvkin' day, man, So you gotta, when you wanna hold somebody, You gotta hold 'em like it's the last minute of your life, You gotta hold, Holy 'Cause some day some weight, Gonna come on your shoulders babe It's gonna feel too heavy It's gonna wear on you It's gonna feel like a ball-Daddy-and chain.