他的乐评 · · · ( 4篇 )
评论: Грубый закат
2013-03-21 23:03
更多内容请移步: http://site.douban.com/rush-indie/widget/notes/6402418/note/193882407/ http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=336137&uk=2015445005 2. 装甲车 装甲越厚,里面的空间就越小 装甲越...(0回应)
评论: Cambodian Rocks Volume II
2013-03-20 09:15
Cambodian Rocks is the name of a compilation album that this song is on. Some American guys went to Cambodia in the late 1990s, found a bunch of cool old rock songs on cassette tapes and made that...(2回应)
评论: π
2011-02-12 18:53
强烈推荐 治抑郁,促哮喘。 学院式无赖,剧院式泼皮。 恶毒,搞笑,卖弄,后现代,荒诞,铁血。 歌词是重点,细听出笑点。 以上是乱说凑字数,下面才是重点 温大师的小站: http://site.douban.com/wenzhanl...(3回应)