• saralov
  • "For me that is basically the idea that as you get older you are trying to maintain your idealism as you let go of your innocence. It is a really easy to lose because when you’re young, everything is beautiful, exciting and brand new. As you...

  • 黄玠
  • 我想用我的音樂,改變這個世界,我是黃玠!我來自【風和日麗】

  • Lonely Drifter Karen
  • Lonely Drifter Karen是一支三人乐团,主唱、主创和吉它手Tanja Frinta来自于奥地利中部,曾经在维也纳和哥德堡都组建过乐队,直到在巴塞罗纳遇到另两位真命天子——西班牙钢琴手Marc Meliá Sobrevias和意大利鼓手Giorgio Menossi后,有关Lonely Drifter Karen的音...

  • 不二
  • 别向这个操蛋的世界投降! 新歌永远筹备中 ^ ^

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