
  • saralov
  • "For me that is basically the idea that as you get older you are trying to maintain your idealism as you let go of your innocence. It is a really easy to lose because when you’re young, everything is beautiful, exciting and brand new. As you...

  • 丁可
  • 關於丁可:
    國內新銳音樂人,作曲家,藝術家,歌者。2011年在音樂廠牌“摩登天空”發表首張專輯《island》,隨後以電影音樂與舞蹈劇場為主要創作工作,同時涉及FACHIN SHOW,戲劇,廣告領域,多次與現代舞,裝置,行為合作進行現場演出,並曾到以色列,美國等國家...

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