永远的bedroom pop宝藏男孩
开头无趣,到后面突然真情流露,推荐《hello black dog》和《suspend your disbelief》
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 怎麼會有這麽美的音樂💧 cut: irony would have it / but leaving is 更新: 3.5 不知道當時為什麼會給5⭐️,完全就不是5⭐️的級別
🥀 Love isn't a choice Isn't a way you decide It deafens and blinds you and Pulls you into the void And it ain't enough by design I learnt this with time, that Love isn't a choice But leaving is
一頭一尾還行 怎麼中間有好幾首完全沒什麼分別
红心《Mother》《Museum》《Hello Black Dog》《But Leaving Is》
3.5 Maybe I listening just to listen 对indie pop忧郁风格能有什么苛刻的要求呢,歌词能看,旋律能听不就行了
7/10 喜欢museum irony would have it
Mother / Irony Would Have It / Florence / Mortician / Museum / Suspend your Disbelief
越后面越好听,Hello Black Dog最佳。 cut Mother,Driving Just to Drive,Hello Black Dog,Suspend your Disbelief
Cut: mother/Florence/driving just to drive. (7.2/10)
3.5 专辑由钢琴、铜管乐和Matt清脆的声线展开,听上去平淡,却能为他晒干回忆、稀释不安、冷却情感。 Cut: Hello Black Dog
> Driving Just To Drive
3 有用 laoyannnnnn 2023-10-17 09:53:15 重庆
永远的bedroom pop宝藏男孩
2 有用 银翼抄手 2023-04-30 13:44:44 广东
3 有用 granite_silver 2023-04-29 01:06:58 河北
1 有用 难波泰勒 2023-05-06 10:26:54 内蒙古
开头无趣,到后面突然真情流露,推荐《hello black dog》和《suspend your disbelief》
3 有用 huh 2023-05-07 22:36:00 上海
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 怎麼會有這麽美的音樂💧 cut: irony would have it / but leaving is 更新: 3.5 不知道當時為什麼會給5⭐️,完全就不是5⭐️的級別
2 有用 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 2023-04-01 11:40:30 广东
1 有用 水原吸管 2023-04-28 02:49:28 中国台湾
🥀 Love isn't a choice Isn't a way you decide It deafens and blinds you and Pulls you into the void And it ain't enough by design I learnt this with time, that Love isn't a choice But leaving is
0 有用 igrɛkonze 2023-04-30 18:35:18 中国香港
一頭一尾還行 怎麼中間有好幾首完全沒什麼分別
0 有用 ASURYtim // ✟ 2024-03-16 11:04:52 江苏
0 有用 leiou2012 2023-05-06 19:40:01 浙江
0 有用 loooli 2023-05-04 16:45:40 福建
红心《Mother》《Museum》《Hello Black Dog》《But Leaving Is》
1 有用 ͏時間雨 2023-06-04 09:00:50 四川
3.5 Maybe I listening just to listen 对indie pop忧郁风格能有什么苛刻的要求呢,歌词能看,旋律能听不就行了
0 有用 绿苡 2023-11-15 18:30:46 法国
0 有用 岛 2024-03-16 11:44:16 重庆
7/10 喜欢museum irony would have it
0 有用 ¥3。 2023-08-03 21:13:58 上海
Mother / Irony Would Have It / Florence / Mortician / Museum / Suspend your Disbelief
0 有用 超大杯红茶拿铁 2023-05-06 20:23:34 四川
越后面越好听,Hello Black Dog最佳。 cut Mother,Driving Just to Drive,Hello Black Dog,Suspend your Disbelief
0 有用 沐生 2023-12-12 14:34:35 四川
Cut: mother/Florence/driving just to drive. (7.2/10)
0 有用 杜克 2023-08-11 21:44:15 北京
0 有用 Raymon是威猛 2023-06-16 00:25:32 广东
3.5 专辑由钢琴、铜管乐和Matt清脆的声线展开,听上去平淡,却能为他晒干回忆、稀释不安、冷却情感。 Cut: Hello Black Dog
0 有用 雲山 2023-04-30 19:25:32 四川