It’s not easy being ahead of your time: You have to wait years for the world to catch up. Such was the case when an 18-year-old Chief Keef followed up his anthemic major-label debut (2012’s Finally Rich) with a pair of self-released 2013 mixtapes (August’s Bang, Pt. 2 and October’s Almighty So) that sounded obscure in comparison, prompting many a claim that he’d fallen off as...(展开全部) It’s not easy being ahead of your time: You have to wait years for the world to catch up. Such was the case when an 18-year-old Chief Keef followed up his anthemic major-label debut (2012’s Finally Rich) with a pair of self-released 2013 mixtapes (August’s Bang, Pt. 2 and October’s Almighty So) that sounded obscure in comparison, prompting many a claim that he’d fallen off as quickly as he’d gotten on. These days, you can hear echoes of both projects everywhere, in particular Almighty So, the better of the two. You might argue that the slurry, intuitive style which has dominated the past decade of rap began here. Eleven long years later, the project’s sequel arrives after a half decade of teasing. (Keef previewed Almighty So 2’s initial cover art way back in 2019.) Hip-hop’s reinvented itself a dozen times over in that time span, perhaps the only constant being Keef’s enduring influence.
1 有用 Smooth Joe 2024-05-14 23:32:54 江苏
13 有用 月色归来时 2024-05-10 21:27:19 福建
条目创建时间: 2022-12-07 专辑发行日期:2024-05-10 延期次数10+
1 有用 MEMPOET 2024-08-02 20:43:21 四川
7.8/10 把前六首全删掉 会是一张不错的专辑
0 有用 Faceless Man 2024-06-29 11:09:13 黑龙江
1 有用 nbpr 2024-08-06 11:26:26 美国
downcast menace
0 有用 三三得九 2024-08-28 22:35:28 陕西
1 有用 豆友y3b7Qy8XWA 2024-08-04 09:59:03 河南
1 有用 我耳朵还没聋 2024-08-05 15:56:13 广东
1 有用 SlaughterHoes 2024-07-28 06:32:05 上海
没有音效制作限制和笑到银行这种素材限制,现在的表现就是真疯 耶和华那首歌把我震进电钻流派地狱了 好活 比 finally rich 这种返租的制作强上不少 也完全不输as1那几首“动漫风blingbling可爱说唱”的怪味歌曲 虽然声音设计完全不一样。继carti之后最惊艳的颠佬说唱之一,想要证明自己在drill的地位,就得不停的报菜名说词暖场
1 有用 叫龚一凡 2024-07-08 00:14:50 广西
我对这张专辑的评价几次跳票,虽然刚发行就解决了,热血沸腾,之后还是翻出来听了好几遍,每一次都有新想法,我觉得这种欣赏方式才对得起懒惰的Chief Keef的“良苦用心”。乐评很高,但应该很少人会把他列入atoy,Sosa缺点和优点都非常明显。表达上真的挺脑残,哥们还能不停说个4、5、6分钟,我对着音箱,只能幻想,假如在Summer Smash现场,大家都跟着他笨拙节奏摇晃碰撞,文化的天才