mmersive and solar post-rock, moving away from chaos, towards resilience. instrumental tracks, It gives us an epic journey deep inside a dark galaxy sprinkled with luminous dust. Goodbye Meteor claims a "green post-rock", opening the way for harmony between Human and Nature.
0 有用 d0r1s 2025-01-17 16:13:17 广东
比最新的那张好听,fav: A Way Out
0 有用 Feb_1ne2 2024-12-04 19:57:45 江苏
前两首 第二首挺有趣的
0 有用 Feb_1ne2 2024-12-04 19:57:45 江苏
前两首 第二首挺有趣的
0 有用 d0r1s 2025-01-17 16:13:17 广东
比最新的那张好听,fav: A Way Out