The new album “Tokyo Stories” captures Francesco Tristano’s deeply held admiration for the city in 16 original compositions for piano, synthesizers and electronics. The album reflects his long personal connection to Tokyo, with each piece or ‘story’ crystallizing experiences that range from the profound to the happily serendipitous. Composed by Tristano and recorded primarily...(展开全部) The new album “Tokyo Stories” captures Francesco Tristano’s deeply held admiration for the city in 16 original compositions for piano, synthesizers and electronics. The album reflects his long personal connection to Tokyo, with each piece or ‘story’ crystallizing experiences that range from the profound to the happily serendipitous. Composed by Tristano and recorded primarily in Tokyo, the album features a variety of guest artists on several tracks, including the Japanese musicians U-zhaan, Keiichiro Shibuya and Hiroshi Watanabe, Argentine electronic artist Guti and legendary French musician Michel Portal.
0 有用 Rowan 林玟 2020-07-26 19:04:39
3.5 人聲部份有點過了 . 補記 9.7不爭氣地去誠品音樂購入收藏了 以後不要亂聯名小津安二郎啦
0 有用 pest233 2019-11-22 10:15:21
作为音乐作品来说确实才华横溢,但仔细听过以后却不太合我的胃口 确实能很好表现出东京的城市魅力,但我可能对这种电子音乐与钢琴的结合方式不太习惯
0 有用 Jian 2019-08-09 21:11:48
0 有用 blinksssss 2020-04-04 13:21:44
很好听。Electric mirror, The third bridge at Nakameguro, Nogizaka, Bokeh tomorrow 十分有趣的小品。而其他那些太正经倾向的反而稀疏平常。
0 有用 Steven 2020-06-13 12:22:36
Electric Mirror 突然就兴奋起来了可还行
0 有用 到里斯本看海 2020-03-24 17:37:50
0 有用 吴慢慢 2020-03-24 20:15:54
好棒,Gate of Entry/Ginza Reprise/Bokeh Tomorrow三连发赛高。想念拔腿就走的旅行T.T
0 有用 冉泽 2020-11-10 00:22:00
neon light light our night
0 有用 F–A♭–F 2020-04-23 21:45:45
不想当dj的作曲家不是好钢琴家?是这个意思不?electric mirror很很很很有意思reference很多。后劲很大的一张碟,半年后突然想起来觉得真上头。
0 有用 Evening Falls 2022-01-30 14:44:22
下午 听着听着 天阴了下来