Credits: Backing Vocals - Carolyn Crawford/Bass - Ted 'Sticky Fingers' Waterhouse/Engineer - Milan Bodgan/ Guitar - LeRoy Emmanuel , Rick 'Funk Box' Rouse/ Keyboards - Mose Davis , Nimrod 'The Grinder' Lumpkin/ Percussion - Lorenzo 'Mr. Rhythmn' Brown/Producer, Arranged By, Technician [Directed By], Written-by - Hamilton Bohannon "In a relatively short period of t...(展开全部) Credits: Backing Vocals - Carolyn Crawford/Bass - Ted 'Sticky Fingers' Waterhouse/Engineer - Milan Bodgan/ Guitar - LeRoy Emmanuel , Rick 'Funk Box' Rouse/ Keyboards - Mose Davis , Nimrod 'The Grinder' Lumpkin/ Percussion - Lorenzo 'Mr. Rhythmn' Brown/Producer, Arranged By, Technician [Directed By], Written-by - Hamilton Bohannon "In a relatively short period of time beginning in the mid-1970s Hamilton Bohannon, a drummer from Georgia, released an amazing amount of records. He began as the drummer for Stevie Wonder and later went on to be the bandleader and arranger for various Motown tours. Where all that talent went though I don’t know because after listening to a few of his albums you realize that almost all of his work relies on only one riff with hardly any changes. With most tracks clocking in at 5, 6, 7, 8 even 9 minutes long, that leads to some very monotonous music. Bohannon came right in the middle of this deluge so you get a lot of very long and droning songs." ( "Wicked uptempo funky instrumentals from the great Hamilton Bohannon! The record captures him at a perfect point -- when he was taking advantage of the changing dancefloor scene to open up his groove a bit, but before he got lost in some of the triple-time tempos that ruined later albums. Titles include "The Funky Reggae", "The Bohannon Walk", "Bohannon's Beat Part 1", and "Gentle Breeze". (This copy has a light warp but still plays fine. About an inch of the cover is stained and wavy along the opening.) " "Dedicated to metronomic simplicity, Bohannon tends to walk the line between hypnotic and robotic: the opener "Bohannon's Beat Part I" is a great example of the former, with a simple scratch guitar line that breeds tense excitement, but "Funky Reggae," a one-chord workout with no development or discernable melody - or reggae, for that matter - ends up on the wrong side of the line. Carolyn Crawford - who had also been with Motown in the mid-60s - adds wistful vocals to the bluesy, atypically slow "Can You Feel It." Again, Side Two is ballads, and this time around they're even slower and longer ("Gentle Breeze," with the simple theme stated by sparely used strings), though "The Day To Remember," based on a blues guitar riff, does feature very tasty organ from Lampkin. Several lineup changes: Ted Waterhouse replaces Saunders, Rick Rouse joins Emmanuel on guitar, and Lorenzo Brown adds percussion. (DBW)"
0 有用 愉快幻觉🕳🎧 2023-06-29 08:24:22 北京
0 有用 宇宙未曷 2024-06-03 09:26:24 湖南
Gentle Breeze //Think of Me //
0 有用 笑颜 2024-03-29 12:55:30 江苏
转折太chill 了
0 有用 Rnzi 2023-08-10 07:06:35 河北
0 有用 。 2017-10-07 12:05:39
Think Of Me
0 有用 NotThursday 2024-06-30 14:34:19 美国
Oh no oh yes
0 有用 小松鼠菜奈 2024-06-06 00:01:04 江苏
劳拉西泮使我白天也昏昏欲睡,下班回到家睡到十一点半醒过来,起床去刷牙,窗外树影婆娑,似乎我的世界在雨夜中醒来,回到床上,把专辑剩下的后半段听完,gentle breeze、think of me,又吞下一颗准备再次入睡,不再尝试与白天建立什么联系,那是我逃避的、虚拟的
0 有用 中国对长 2024-09-04 20:00:03 湖北
0 有用 VioletViolet 2024-09-22 23:28:31 广东
dang, this is true music
0 有用 云醒时刻 2024-06-26 23:52:10 江苏
太太太喜欢think of me