Not for Want of Trying的4星乐评 (3)

飘飘 2011-05-02 10:55:35

I'm not going to take this anymore.

Everybody knows things are bad. It's a depression. Everybody's out of work or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys a nickel's worth; banks are going bust; shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter; punks are running wild in the street, and there's n...  (展开)
monkey 2008-10-26 23:36:03


后摇听太多,就会对砌墙感觉麻木,哪怕吉他声墙再响。 这张却很好,曲子短小精悍,节奏,旋律都不错,近来在健身房都听它。有几首让我回想起大学时候初听重金属的感觉。  (展开)
pumkins 2009-07-12 10:39:15


专辑评论[立即发表] 网友:58.213.17.* 发表于:2008-9-1 21:28:11 对此专辑的评论11楼 哈哈,兄弟们,这叫后金属啊回复 会员:yaohuidetian 发表于:2008-6-9 13:20:27 对此专辑的评论10楼 这支乐队,是后摇与电子。回复 会员:幽灵公主 发表于:2008-6-3...  (展开)

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