Beautiful Day的乐评 (2)

棉背心 2012-07-28 13:03:46


The heart is a bloom 心变成一朵花 Shoots up through the stony ground 疯狂生长钻出无情坚硬的大地 There's no room 没有立足点 No space to rent in this town 在这小城里找不到地方入睡 You're out of luck 你运气很糟糕 And the reason that you had to care 你不得不...  (展开)
封口龙 2008-11-29 14:23:06


从听爵士乐开始突然开始随意听来听去,就这样像是在浏览一件件的画作,然后,会被偶尔颤动,在这里,我停留在lover's paradise  (展开)

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