Menace to Sobriety的乐评 (2)

九野 2006-08-31 19:37:33


记得大一军训的时候,劳累后回到营地,搬出小板凳,用廉价CD机放这张打掉3首歌烂盘,抽起烟,鲜有如此的惬意 流畅的硬金属中,同志们在分西瓜吃  (展开)
Zoie Song 2020-03-29 23:26:11

Ugly Kid Joe: how we made Everything About You 丑小子乔乐队:创作专辑《Everything About You》的点点滴滴

Klaus Eichstadt, songwriter/guitarist 克劳斯-艾希施塔特,词曲作者/吉他手 I was in my last year of high school. Glam rock and pop rock were huge. Bon Jovi and the Scorpions were doing all their big ballads and it seemed like every frickin’ song was about ...  (展开)

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