20th Century Masters: The Best Of Lynyrd Skynyrd的乐评 (4)

Aubrey 2012-01-31 21:04:53

A Southern band with the unlikely name of Lynyrd Skynyrd

In the mid-1970s,after a decade of paying their dues,Lynyrd Skynyrd burst on to the national scene with a ferocity that forced the rock world to sit up and take notice.Their infections blend,boogie,and honky sounds seemed to pick up where The Allman Brother...  (展开)
吟游诗人 2009-07-04 18:19:42


忘了当时怎么知道这个乐队的,先是听了《Sweat Home Alabama》,觉得欧美人士对家乡眷恋的演绎大不同于国内的民歌,很是喜欢那种俏皮的风格——然后通过eMule下了一大堆关键词“Home”的歌曲,无出其右者。《We ain't much different》让我感受到了世界大同的蓝领情怀;《S...  (展开)
大头 2007-03-20 18:15:16

《What's Your Name》

这个乐队叫Lynyrd Skynyrd,记得第一次看到的原碟是一张精选,20th Century Masters系列。看这名字够别扭的,念也念不好,再看看封面,六个壮汉站一块儿,一半以上长发飘飘,估摸着大概是一金属乐队,还特重。 每次去那家店都看到但是都没拿,怕不对胃口。 终于耐不住好奇,鬼...  (展开)

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