Blonde on Blonde的乐评 (12)

黑鸟 2022-03-19 02:49:19

Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands - 船长译本

With your mercury mouth in the missionary times And your eyes like smoke and your prayers like rhymes And your silver cross, and your voice like chimes Oh, who among them do they think could bury you? With your pockets well protected at last And your street...  (展开)
连枝 2021-06-28 14:53:02


“金发美女”本来就是两层隐喻。第一层隐喻是迪伦头脑中的幻想,药物作用激发了这些幻想,它们美丽、迷人,又危险,像极了女人,迪伦在幻想中行走,就像是在荒芜街上寻找新的“手铃鼓先生”,比如“乔安娜的幻象”,一种混沌不清但又沉醉的状态。 第二层隐喻是Bob自己,金发美...  (展开)
不是江湖骗子 2020-03-10 17:44:25

By the rolling stones

Released on May 16th, 1966, rock's first studio double LP by a major artist was, as Dylan declared in 1978, "the closest I ever got to the sound I hear in my mind… that thin, that wild-mercury sound." There is no better description of the album's manic b...  (展开)
阿拉丁 2011-01-25 12:17:21

歌词翻译:Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands

《眼神哀伤的低地女子》—(山羊在峭壁吃草译)    听布道的时候,你唇齿银亮 双眼朦胧,你的祈祷像诵诗 还有你的银十字架和银铃般的声音 噢,他们认为他们中,有谁会埋没你? 你的口袋到最后都守护完好 你草地上的幻影街车 你丝绸般柔滑的肉体,和剔透晶莹的脸庞 他们认为...  (展开)
架构师 2010-03-23 09:53:49

<经典歌词赏析201> Bob Dylan - Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands

Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands 住在楼下的女生 With your mercury mouth in the missionary times, 朱唇皓齿、闭月羞花的你 And your eyes like smoke and your prayers like rhymes, 引人注目、文采飞扬的你 And your silver cross, and your voice like chimes, 穿金戴银、...  (展开)
架构师 2009-05-26 20:02:17


目前豆瓣才3篇评论,为了凑够4这个数字(据说在很多文化中代表女性),我也来凑个热闹。 还是那句话,去看亚马逊的最受欢迎用户评论,不要看我这篇。 民谣是关于爱的音乐,男人爱什么?当然是女人。所以一个男性的民谣歌手,他歌颂什么?当然是歌颂女性了。本专辑把这一点最大...  (展开)
Mlle.61 2008-11-03 22:34:46

Bob Dylan的那些有缘无份

天气还热的时候,我对四锅头说过:今年夏天我把"One Of Us Must Know (Sooner Or Later)"听了整整一百遍。 这是因为我太无聊太孤单了,更是因为Dylan的歌实在是太有蛊惑力量了。 不管那些乱七八糟的摇滚教材怎么把Dylan定性(民谣大师?民主斗士?),我心目中,他最最出色的作...  (展开)

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