玛罗·所罗 Mano Solo

  • 生卒日期: 1963年04月24日 至 2010年01月10日
  • 国家/地区: 法国
  • 所属乐队: Les Chihuahuas
  • 流派: 民谣/摇滚/爵士/Ambitious Bittersweet Gutsy Rebellious Uncompromising Complex Confident Literate Poignant Provocative Searching Brash Earnest /流行
  • 官方网站: http://manosolo.net/
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Biographyby David Jeffries

Born to an ecological activist mother (Isabelle Monin) and a left-wing cartoonist father (Cabu), French singer/songwriter Mano Solo is also a maverick artist, taking control away from the big record companies and overseeing every aspect of his music and its packaging himself. He began in the punk group Les Chihuahuas when he was 17, but considered painting as a vocation once he left his teens. He painted under the...(展开全部)

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