Aimee Allen

  • 出生日期: 1982年
  • 国家/地区: Missoula,
  • 厂牌: Hellcat
  • 流派: 摇滚/直率/流行/清新
  • 官方网站:
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一个来自加州洛杉矶的创作型歌手,在推出了几张单曲之后,Aimee终于发行了首张专辑——《A Little Happiness》,Pop rock曲风,清新的小调,直率的声音,小女生的声音清新,富有感染力。

Aimee Allen is an American pop/rock singer/songwriter based in Los Angeles, California.She is known for her work on the dance song "Cooties" made for the soundtrack of the 2007 version of the movie Hairspray.[3] She was previously signed to Elektra Records and her albu...(展开全部)

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